Cutthroat: A Journey Through the American West



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
This book has just come out. Michael Graybrook is the author and is a Pittsburgh guy.

It is about a fly fisher , who a little more than a decade began a fascination with native trout. I believe catching a redband in CA began the odyssey and it continued will Cutthroat.

This book tells some personal experiences in finding streams with populations of Cutthroat- most of which are down gravel roads for dozens of miles then require a few mile hike to get to the streams. These populations range from NM to WA states. It is not easy to cover that much ground.

It seems a little silly when your emotions turn from hopeful and optimistic when you start your journey to anxious and to a little fear ( after you drive 2000 miles and study maps all winter , talk to the state and federal biologists about a population of Cutthroat, then arrive to dry stream beds).

Anyway- I can relate to all of the stories as I share a similar quest for native trout of America.

Here is an interview from drake mag-

The book has stunning photos of the Cutthroats and has a little story that goes with each one. Finished the book in 2 days.
If your a native fish head, you’ll surely love it.