cut fly line question



New member
Aug 20, 2011
I have a tear in my wf floating fly line about 4" below where the leader connects. should i just cut it and tie a nail knot with a leader onto the fly line? are fly lines sealed and will cutting it allow water inside causing it to sink? or is all this a waste of time and do i need to buy new fly line? any advise would be greatly appreciated..
Since it is only 4" from the end of the flyline. I would cut it and nailknot a new leader. Seal the knot with superglue and it should work fine.
Cut it , no problem , put a tiny drop of super glue on the end , tiny , tiny. Instead of a nail knot use a braided connector with a loop to loop interface and tighten it up............FISH ON!!!!
i like both previous answers,but what i would do,since 4" won't mess with the taper much,is slice it at an angle and form a loop.then i would whip finish the loop and coat it .one drop of super glue,then nail polish on the thread.

of course that is for a WF line.if it is a DT or L,you could just turn it around and use the other side!
ask chaz about super glue, it breaks down in time in water..
Use it first then a thin coat of goop over will totally seal it..Oh yeah before that run a piece of mono into the end 1/2 in and super glue it in, make a permanent mono end. tie a small perfection knot in the mono close to fly line then just add a leader loop to loop..nice thing is there is no added weight to the end of fly line.