curly indicator



Active member
Mar 20, 2008
Not sure if anyone has tried or uses these for nymphing but there is a curly indicator you can use. It's made by wrapping fish line around something about pencil size in diameter and boiling it for a few minutes and then cooling them for awhile in the freezer. The longer the better. It forms a fish line spring that when dipped in floatant floats on top of the water then extends like a streched spring when you have a take. Very sensitive and great for browns.
Any pictures?
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Directions I got from George Daniels

French Leader Setup:
Taken from Charle’s Jardine’s article in Fly Fishing and Fly Tying: The Curly Wurly.

This is a formula that works for me for most conditions. You may want to adjust it to fit your comfort zone and/or for the conditions you are faced with:

36-40” of 30lb Maxima
24” of 20lb Maxima
14” of 14lb Berkley’s Big Game Ultra Green
20” of 10lb Gold Stren (The Curly Leader Section)
Tippet Ring attached by utilizing a Clinch Knot
6’ of your favorite fl. carbon or nylon tippet

Directions to make the curly indicator:
Wrap approx 20” of golden stren around a wooden dowel/screw and tape both ends.
Place in boiling water for 5 minutes.
Place in freezer overnight immediately after boiling.

That’s it!! Good luck and please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Ah, OK. Whats the punch - line? Seriously, have you tried this? I would think the boiling of the mono would "melt" it.
Nope! If it did I wouldn't have them all over my kitchen counter and in my freezer. Ours are made with 8lb mono. Water heat is different than dry heat. You can steam iron polyester, but I wouldn't put it or monofilament in the oven.
Always thought this was Spanish nymphing, not French nymphing. I've seen both the Spanish and French teams fish, and the French team easily outfished the Spanish team. They are intense!

Here's a thread you may like:

My take on this technique and leader setup is that it works best in clear water conditions and spooky fish. George Daniels has used it with great success, and teaches it in his seminars.
I stand corrected. I would have loved to have heard the conversation involved with the first explanation of, honestly you just wind it around the stick, and then you boil it in water, And yea, you stick it in the freezer to make the curl permanent. Honest. I bet that got a few raised eyebrows. :-D
I apologize if I didn't say George Daniels said to:

I don't and never will speak for George. If you want to get his version schedule a lesson or clinic. In fact I'm probably doing George an injustice by sharing what I've learned. I just listen and enjoy sharing new techniques..

Unless I absolutely get it from the horses mouth I keep it general to see if anyone is interested. Frederick did a fine explaination of the details. I didn't see the need to follow up.

But! That's really what you do. I've got a bunch of wrapped pencils and pen bodies in my freezer.

Raised eyebrows! Good! It keeps us thinking no matter who tells you something that you shouldn't be so quick to disregard it. There are more than a few things for me to learn ..old and new in my lifetime.
And about the French! They are intense!! Their youth FF program is as well. I was surprised to hear about how sucessfull and different the methods were from the teams during youth nationals. The czech's grided off their beat and had good sucess while an England youth splashed through his beat again and again with a great day. Amazing. I will never look at fishing the same way again.
Hi wetnet - Just so you know, by sharing information that you've learned, you're doing everyone a favor (including George). There is little doubt in my mind that we've met, and probably spoke to each other last August. That kid on the UK team was probably Scott Nellins - WOW could that kid fish! I jokingly nicknamed him "The Terminator" after watching him fish his beat on the Little J. With a minute left in his session, Scott, his controller, and myself were standing at the river's edge after measuring a fish when we all saw a nice fish rise about 40 yards away. Scott took off at a dead run through the water to try to catch that fish - and he did! His controller and I were laughing so hard he could barely measure that fish. I'll never forget that moment! The UK team was really a fun bunch, and we certainly had a good time with them. The look on their faces says it all.......

Yes it was Scott! My son was probably looking over your shoulder because that was exactly how he described it. Unless you were there and met some of these youth you wouldn't understand why anyone would compete fly fishing. He still talks to the UK team members and was sorry that England didn't get to host the comp next year. He is also sorry he will be nineteen and ineligible next year. The team is going to Scotland. How neat is that for these kids?

George is tops!! My son is so very fortunate to know him. There are so many really nice people contributing to this sport as well as to the kids themselves. I could never thank them enough.