Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited Wins the 2011 Gold Trout Award

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It is with great pride and pleasure that I have the privilege of announcing here on Paflyfish that Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited is the 2011 recipient of the Gold Trout Award. The Gold Trout Award is a national recognition to only one of about 400 national TU chapters annually.

CVTU’s efforts across the Cumberland Valley are well known and include the Rivers Conservation and Youth Camp, restoration of Big Spring Creek, land preservation and sinkhole remediation along Letort, stream improvement work on The Run, removal of old dams on Yellow Breeches, and many more outstanding endeavors many of which you’ve probably heard about.

If you’re a member of CVTU (or any TU chapter) – kudos to you for fighting the good fight. If you’re not a member, your local chapter could use your help. If you, like me, love the unique streams of the Cumberland Valley, please consider joining or supporting CVTU. We have many hands-on work projects every year and conduct a first rate fundraising banquet and appreciate donations.

I’m also proud to announce that my friend and fellow forum member Justin Pittman (JPittman) is the new President of CVTU. We’ll be in good hands.

Further down, please take a look at the press release provided courtesy of CVTU Vice President John Leonard for more information. By all means, visit the chapter website for additional information. If you have questions, you’re also welcome to PM me as well.

Detailed information and photos of the Chapter’s activities leading to the Gold Trout Award can be found on our web site -

Dave Weaver (“Fishidiot”)

Congrats CVTU! I am a member, Just need to go to a meet sometime!!
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Congrats CVTU! I am a member, Just need to go to a meet sometime!!
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Congrats CVTU! I am a member, Just need to go to a meet sometime!!
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Congrats and Thanks for all that you guys have done already and will continue to do. Soon Ill be switching chapters to CVTU. Might as well join where I fish the most :)
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Congrats and Thanks for all that you guys have done already and will continue to do. Soon Ill be switching chapters to CVTU. Might as well join where I fish the most :)
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Congrats and Thanks for all that you guys have done already and will continue to do. Soon Ill be switching chapters to CVTU. Might as well join where I fish the most :)
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We would love to have you join us!!

John Leonard, CVTU VP & Membership Chairman
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We would love to have you join us!!

John Leonard, CVTU VP & Membership Chairman
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We would love to have you join us!!

John Leonard, CVTU VP & Membership Chairman
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Congrats CVTU! If I lived in the cumberland valley I would join that chapter in a heartbeat. I love those waters.
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Congrats CVTU! If I lived in the cumberland valley I would join that chapter in a heartbeat. I love those waters.
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Congrats CVTU! If I lived in the cumberland valley I would join that chapter in a heartbeat. I love those waters.
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Ill be switching chapters in about 2 weeks. Membership has just run out and once I get the extra $ ill be joining up.

Unfortunately my work shift Ill make it impossible to attend meetings but weekend work days on the water I am available to attend.
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Ill be switching chapters in about 2 weeks. Membership has just run out and once I get the extra $ ill be joining up.

Unfortunately my work shift Ill make it impossible to attend meetings but weekend work days on the water I am available to attend.
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Ill be switching chapters in about 2 weeks. Membership has just run out and once I get the extra $ ill be joining up.

Unfortunately my work shift Ill make it impossible to attend meetings but weekend work days on the water I am available to attend.
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Nice . Hoping to get into fly fishing this year . Grew up beside spring creek near Bellefonte , Pa . Any pointers ?
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