Cumberland Valley Streams



New member
Apr 28, 2016
New to the forums, headed out near Hershey this weekend to coach, but will have two half days of free time to explore and figured I'd take the rod. From Pittsburgh, and have never been out to Hershey. Did some research and narrowed a few streams I'd consider exploring, but with such little time I was wondering if anyone had some insights as to which of the streams would be a priority I should see.

With the Letort being fairly close I figured I would at least go look at this stream everyone talks about.

Then figured I could drive down to Cook Twp and look at Tom's Run, Mountain Creek and work back to Yellow Breeches if time permits.

Not looking for specific spots, just advice if I should try those streams or if there are other streams within an hour or so from Hershey PA that would be worth looking into.

These streams are all right around the 1 hour mark from Hershey by the time you get back to the turnpike and head west to Carlisle. Letort is an experience in and of itself and even in this heat wave should be at a safe temperature to fish. Getting a fish or two to cooperate will be tough though. Don't just look though, give it a shot. May be able to fool one on an ant if you can get close enough to make a cast without spooking it. It will probably be like fishing in a jungle at this time of year too.

Yellow Breeches is nearby. Water temps will be a concern there with the exception of "the Run" that comes out of Children's Lake in Boiling Springs and a little stretch of the main YB at Allenberry that's influenced by the cold water from the Run. Fish get pounded and you may be limited to early A.M. or dusk due to water temps. Even that may be a stretch.

Mountain Creek has brookies in the headwaters near Pine Grove Furnace. Most of the stream is a typical stocked stream and although it's pretty in stretches is probably also very warm and may only hold a leftover stockie here and there.

Don't know about Tom's Run.
Awesome, thanks! I didn't anticipate on finding many cooperative fish, but wanted to check the area out for future trips.

Tom's Run was on the list of Class A streams and also right near Pine Grove.
Your best bet would be to fish the Swatara Creek. It is a stones throw away from Hershey. With all the traffic in an around the Hershey/Harrisburg area most of the streams you had mentioned are going to a little over an hour away. If you you scroll down on the main fly fishing location page you will see a post about the Swatara Creek. It is under "Going to Hershey for the weekend".
Letort will be fine to fish. Mountain Creek is a bit low, and likely too warm because we haven't had much rain. Tom's Run is a very small and pretty stream with little brookies and a few browns, and might be a tiny bit cooler than Mountain Creek. If you do fish it, I'd recommend accessing it further up from the mouth of Mountain Creek.

If you're dead set on trout, I'd recommend Clarks though because it's a bottom release tailwater, and fairly close to Hershey. Don't overlook smallmouth bass though, you have the Swatara, Susquehanna, Conodoguinet, and many other streams relatively close by.
McSneek wrote:
These streams are all right around the 1 hour mark from Hershey by the time you get back to the turnpike and head west to Carlisle. Letort is an experience in and of itself and even in this heat wave should be at a safe temperature to fish. Getting a fish or two to cooperate will be tough though. Don't just look though, give it a shot. May be able to fool one on an ant if you can get close enough to make a cast without spooking it. It will probably be like fishing in a jungle at this time of year too.

Yellow Breeches is nearby. Water temps will be a concern there with the exception of "the Run" that comes out of Children's Lake in Boiling Springs and a little stretch of the main YB at Allenberry that's influenced by the cold water from the Run. Fish get pounded and you may be limited to early A.M. or dusk due to water temps. Even that may be a stretch.

Some good advice here. Letort is a pilgrimage that PA FFers ought to make at least one or twice if they don't live locally.
Thanks everyone!

Well the weekend was a success. I hit Tom's Run above the mouth of Mountain Creek and landed both brookies and browns. Some sizeable browns seen, but could not get them to cooperate. Ventured up to the "Run" and Yellow Breeches.

Drove past the Letort and wow what a sight. Didn't have time to cast a line, but I will definitely be back!

Thanks again for the information I really appreciate it.