Critical Meeting on Bishop Tube's fate 12Sept

I think I may attend this (if not fishing). I'm curious and it's high time I started at least making an attempt to care for the environment as opposed to just being a keyboard warrior.
Not the same thing but similar...

I don't live very far from the Crossley Farm Superfund Site that has a similar problem.

The folks living within the effected area have government funded remediation to insure their drinking water is safe and tested regularly. Folks I know who live as close as a few 100 yards from the site have no contamination.

Fortunately I live outside of the "bloom" area but I still get my water tested annually and it passes with flying colors.

FWIW - The treated water is discharged into the Class A West Branch of the Perkiomen with no observed ill effects to the fish.

Anyone who plans to attend the Bishop Tube meeting may want to bring up the Crossley Farm Superfund Site and ask if there will be a similar plan of action.
Not the same thing but similar...

I don't live very far from the Crossley Farm Superfund Site that has a similar problem.

The folks living within the effected area have government funded remediation to insure their drinking water is safe and tested regularly. Folks I know who live as close as a few 100 yards from the site have no contamination.

Fortunately I live outside of the "bloom" area but I still get my water tested annually and it passes with flying colors.

FWIW - The treated water is discharged into the Class A West Branch of the Perkiomen with no observed ill effects to the fish.

Anyone who plans to attend the Bishop Tube meeting may want to bring up the Crossley Farm Superfund Site and ask if there will be a similar plan of action.
Was this a farmer that just allowed the company to bury the drums on his property? Hard to believe someone, especially a farmer would allow that to be done to his property. If it started in the 1960's guess they got it in just before a lot of environmental legislation was passed.
Was this a farmer that just allowed the company to bury the drums on his property? Hard to believe someone, especially a farmer would allow that to be done to his property. If it started in the 1960's guess they got it in just before a lot of environmental legislation was passed.

They weren't even buried, just stored and when they started rusting the farmer decided it was easier to pour the stuff out of the barrels then get rid of the barrels...

Bottom line, some farmers own a lot of dirt that they can't otherwise use to grow crops or graze livestock so when somebody makes a proposal to make money on land they don't farm, some of them take the money... do a lot of others with old cars and mystery 55 gallon drums stored on their property.
What we all did in the past is coming back to haunt and harm us. We all have sites close by, more than you know unless you keep up on those things. Not far from the Bishop Tube site is another site near Great Valley High School. More TCE. Just Google superfund sites near me. Scary and food for thought. One of those sites is why Valley Creek has been no-kill since the 80's. Pete