Crappie hitting on Marsh Creek Lake?


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Has the annual crappie run been on there? This warm weather has thrown the timing off on trout streams for sure, but I don't do enough WW lakes to understand the seasonal rhythm.

i've been wade fishing there mostly in the evenings after work.there are crappie around but it's been spotty thus far from what i've seen. I think i've been out 4 times, i've caught probably a little less than 20 crappie total, and i haven't seen anyone doing much better than me. There are a lot of yellow perch around and some small lmb's. i just got my kayak re-registered so i'll have more mobility to check out some spots now. experts say they start to spawn at 13.2 hours of daylight and cease spawning at 14.6 hrs of daylight. 13.2 hrs of daylight=april 11. tight lines!