Crabby Creek



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
A few years back there was a lot of press about the restoration of Crabby Creek. For the last 2 years it has been relatively quiet. Does anybody know if the restoration has been successful? Has the spawning habitat in lower Crabby been improved? Has the fish biomass increased? Did the brook trout take?

Any information you have will be appreciated.

To the extent that it was successful, I don't know. But within a few days of the completion of the project a big storm did tremendous damage in the project area. I saw it maybe a month after the storm.
Brookies were captured from a local stream and planted in Crabby Creek, but I've heard nothing about it since.
I've walked it a few times. The restoration was really about moving the stream back to its original location, it had been moved to install a sewer line. As Chaz said the big storm about a month after the job was done did not help. Pretty sure brown trout still spawn in the lower section but I have not seen any brookies. I have not tried to fish. I leave it alone.