


Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Less than 100 days to start up in Pa. You tell me! How many?

First day, will you go?

I think I will! Would you believe I was on Grays Run 1 st day last year for a hour or so! Standing on the road with 3 leeks in my hand and no fish, who should drive by, Tony Grieco! Tony said,"Johnny Fave" see you got some leeks.

All the way to being alone and here comes Tony! How bout that!
1st day of trout season means absolutely nothing to me. I try to stay as far away from stocked fish as I can get 365 days a year, but especially on the first day. There's a higher chance that I don't fish for trout on the first day of trout season as the other 364 days.
My boots have leeks.
To answer your question Maxi, I will probably go smallmouth bass fishing the first day. Or maybe crappie or pickerel fishing.
Who would go trout fishing during the height of the shad run and when the stripers start to heat up?
Opening day? Haven't participated in that circus in 25-30 years. If I go, it will be on unstocked waters or out of state.
Opening day for me usually meant the first day of the year the temps cracked the high forties. Or that freak 50* day in January/February.

(BTW, Much love for little black stone flies in February)

I’ll be out, but not anywhere near the stocked waters.

My first day for trout (non migratory) won't be until early May. My first trips for steelhead will be as soon as the air temps maintain 50 degrees.
My first day was on the Wednesday. Two hours out, brought nothing to the net but I was out. My second day will be tomorrow morning. As for the first day of stocked trout season, the only way I would go after stocked trout that day would be if my to grandsons(ages 6 and 8 ) want to go. If not I am off to a great little class a stream that keeps calling my name.
jifigz wrote:
To answer your question Maxi, I will probably go smallmouth bass fishing the first day. Or maybe crappie or pickerel fishing.

That's right be a rebel. I will also most likely be targeting those pre spawn smallmouth. The last few years I've been hitting a spot where I've caught smallmouth walleye's and trout in the same spot below a dam which is pretty awesome.
I will have fished some before the opening day. I hope to spend the opening day at a nearby sportsmen's club's pond, watching families fish for the stocked trout, some really big ones, in the club's pond. It is a real hoot, and it is nice to see families, especially the kids, having fun in the outdoors.

There is a lot of time for me to do some of the fly-fishing that I like to do.

As an old timer, I have come to think the first day is for kids and families, where possible.

(After leaving the club and its pond, I sometimes sneak off to a brook trout stream and catch miniature, but wild, versions of the trout in the pond.)

Anyhow, let's survive winter first!
My brother and I always spend opening day morning, at least, on the eastern Crawford County creek where our Dad took us every opening day when we were kids. It's a form of memorial homage to our Dad, the greatest man either of us ever knew.

I don't see this tradition ending, at least as long as both of us are able to sit up and take nourishment.

I'll be doing a lot of fishing prior to opening day as well, though. A bit for trout, but more for pike before and immediately after the spawn in my inflatable yak. Also some early spring crappie and perch in my new favorite panfish lake. Gotta keep a 3 mess minimum in the freezer...
I don't have an opening or closing day. Fish whenever I can for any species. Just like being on the water.
Like many others on this site I fish through out the year, but opening day is special for me here's why: First, I am blessed to have a trout stream in my back yard (literally 25 feet behind my house). So this is how it all unfolds for me, 3 weeks or so before opening day my wife and I will walk the road that parallels the stream, garbage bags in hand removing the trash along the stream and the road, after all who wants to be looking at trash when they are fishing a mountain stream.
Next is stocking day! I wait for the truck to pull over just upstream of my property, sometimes I will deposit a bucket of fish but many times I will watch as the parent of a little one takes a bucket to the stream with the little one close at hand, what a thrill! Then I will jump in my friends car and join the procession behind the stock truck. The truck will make six to eight stops before reaching the upper limit of stocking , at each stop we get out and watch and talk with neighbors and friends.
Between stocking and opening day I will sometimes "feed the fish". I will take a bag of cheese curls, break them into small pieces and see if I can get some of the trout to rise to the surface. My grand daughter always enjoyed those excursions!
Next, anticipation, friends and family will ask " how many , any big ones , etc."
The big day arrives. Friends and family gather, my brother with his adult sons and their young ones, my son in-law, my gran-daughter comes in from Ohio. Every one heads to their favorite place to wait for starting time! My wife and I will take a walk up the road watching the fishermen,talking with neighbors, enjoying the beautiful weather (I HOPE).
Around 11 o'clock I get the gas grill fired up and begin making lunch of hamburgs, hot dogs, and Italian sausage. Usually the non-fishing family members will start filtering in, bringing with them more food and by 12 o'clock lunch is ready.
The gangs all here! Those who have been fishing make their way back and we gather on our big wrap-around front porch to eat and talk about the events of the day. Good times!
After lunch, some go back to fishing, others go home or hang around talking. By about supper time everyone is gone. Although I haven't done any fishing today, I am glad I was able to help make the "First day" an enjoyable one for others.
As the daylight is fading I will probably look out my back window at the gurgling creek, and I might say to my wife " you know I think I'll go out back and try that new wooly bugger I've been working on"

I am blessed!

Depends on who's going to camp or if my kid has a meet that day. I'll take any excuse to go to camp. If I fish, its usually a stretch by camp that usually doesn't hold trout except for that t time of year. But its more about camp. I do however, like to explore some regular spots to see what the winter or last year's floods have done to them.
Arminacast seems to enjoy the first day and said he is blessed. Seems I am also blessed to have read such a fine and important post!

Important because possibly tradition, maybe some great intentions but most of all the "giving to others", making the perfect day for friends and relatives, making the time to go one step beyond! I would call this, fun, thrills and fantasy.

Good food, good friends and great memories! Sad, if this should ever come to an end! Some have heard about the true spirit of Christmas! Arminacast has shown an example of the "true spirit of fishing". Well done, Sir