Cortland Brook



Apr 19, 2007
I've never been a big fan of Cortland rods; however, their small stream rods seem to be getting a little bit of press.

Anybody have any experience with these rods?


I just picked one up, 8' 4wt. I was in the market to get back into fly fishing b/c the of the kids. I had an old Orvis glass 8.6" 6wt. I cast a number of high end 4wt rods, orvis super fine, winston, sage, st. croix. Then I read about the Brook and my local shop had a few. I went to test cast them and was very impressed. This fit the bill perfectly w/o breaking the bank. I live in N DE but do fish a lot in PA and this rod I think fits perfectly with the type of fishing I plan to do. Rod is a moss green/brown color (very nice) and comes in a codura case. I plan to take it out this weekend if the rain stops.

Shop guy (white clay outfitters) was really shocked at how smooth when he cast it and was equally shocked at the price. Says cortland is trying to re-image itself and get away from the ****s economy rod market, and start to produce better quality mid-range rods.

Take a look you will be pleasantly surprised.


PS heard cortland sold 4 times their original projection so word is getting around.

Thanks for the information. I might just cruise down to White Clay Outfitters. I have a few fast-action 4, 5 and 6wt rods in the 8 1/2 - 9 foot range, but was looking for an inexpensive rod for small streams w/dense cover.

Does the rod cast like an "old-fashioned" fiberglass rod or is it more progressive in its action?

BTW, I was fishing the middle branch of the White Clay the other day. I'm beginning to like that particular stream. Do you know if there is access to the other stream in that area, Big Elk Creek, anywhere along 896 -- or anywhere else for that matter?

I would recommend calling ahead to White Clay Outfitters (302) 369-9730 or send them an email( I cast the 8'6" they had in stock and it was their last one. So I ordered the 8'. And yes it is a little slower on the medium side which is what I like. It forces me to slow down and watch my cast. Both Doug and Ken were very helpful.

Sorry to say i have no real info on the Big Elk but there is a site Not very informative but does name a few road and bridge corssings. I know it flows throught the Fair Hill Nature area of MD. One stretch that crosses rte 277 looks inviting. It is stocked by MD from PA state line on down to rte 277. on 5/5/08. Go to I Don't see it listed on PA list bof waters.

I plan to fish the entire lower and middle section in Pa and DE section of white clay. I was hiking the lower a few weeks ago and saw no one on the water in the section from DE line on up and it was stocked.

Good Luck
Ginky (and others interested in Big Elk Creek) -

The Big Elk Creek is a great, little-known stream for fishing. While I’m not a fly fisherperson, I do know it well because my property adjoins it. A nice access point is on Saginaw Rd., 3 miles from 896 at New London The creek is stocked with trout just above the Saginaw Rd. bridge. At this spot, it’s about 30-40 feet wide, mostly 1 foot deep with holes about 3 feet, lots of tree cover. Opening day this year, there were a dozen vehicles or so, and mostly everyone was successful in catching trout. Since then, there’s been very little traffic, only a couple of fishermen most weekends. This past Monday, Memorial Day, I saw only one person, he was fly fishing from the bridge. As for parking, if you’re coming from 896, just before the bridge is a bus turnaround on the right (ok to park here on the weekends, but please leave it free during school days). Just after the bridge, there’s also room to pull off on the right. Just before the bridge on the left is a mowed field along the creek - this is my property. We have no objections to outdoorsmen accessing the creek from here, just please don’t litter. Good luck!

Thanks for the info and the very generous attitude!
