cool video



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I have become addicted to You tube recently. I found this site recently that has some pretty good videos.
Awesome, they were some cool videos on switchfly.I go on you tube all the time its a great site you can almost find a video of everthing on that site.. :-D
i just saw that you guys commented on my video (i can track how people get to my site- and i am glad you like them. i just wanted to let you know that i posted a new video- on catching a 25 inch bull trout. and i am pretty pumped about it and thought you might enjoy it. i also posted in on youtube. i'll try to keep them coming- i have some sick footage of a 40inch striper (caught on a plug) but still a sweet video.
ps. i like this site, it is very well designed.
please divulge your striper secrets. I "went fishing and returned wiht my creel empty" as Threau would say. I know that the fish were around cause they were slapping, but I didn;t even get a nibble.
if they are blitzing strip very fast. i like to tuck my rod under my armpit and use both hands for striping- alternating the line through each hand- this allows for faster striping and also makes a hand strike instead of a trout strike. trout strikes, by raising the rod tip, is not as effective as hand striking, by just pulling the line back. and if you grow up trout fishing, which you probably did in Penn, this helps limit the trout strike. i know it did for me.