Cool idea for "trophy flies"



Mar 13, 2014

I follow this blog regularly and apparently missed this article. I think it is an awesome idea to save flies from awesome days on the water, first fish over 20'', the one fly that crushed em, etc. and stick them in a whiskey bottle lamp's shade.

Does anyone do anything like this? Fishing the March Brown hatch this spring I caught my first 18"+ wild brown trout on a dry fly and then caught another just two days later with the same fly. I buried that fly in an old hat I wore everyday and then retired for a new one.

I think I will have to start up a collection such as his. Share pictures if you have them! I would love to see how everyone else saves memories on the water similar to this.
Sounds like a good idea. I have a white wolf that I have probably caught over 30 fish on over the last 5 years. I never seem to lose it, and it is still in good shape. Maybe I should retire it before it is gone.
Yes, but then apathy sets in.
Like all the concerts I have been too
I have a big collage shadow box thingy with pictures of memorable fish with the fly used, right beside it. Looks nice on the wall in my tying room.
I like this idea. Pretty cool. I don't drink liquor so I'll have to fashion a lamp out of a 12 pack of ying-yang lager.
I have some sticking in a cork board in my tying room. Then I remember how good they were, take them back out and promptly loose them. Oh well...
I think I've lost every trophy fly. Once I catch an epic fish with a certain fly, I fish that fly exclusively until it is lost!
I take a characteristic rock from the place i caught the fish and then glue the fly to it. For my bonefish fly I added a Bahamian coin with a bonefish on it.