Contacting Extraterrestrials?



Apr 22, 2013
Please don't laugh.

A couple days ago I was drifting some imitation duns, albeit unsuccessfully, in the Benner Spring area on Centre County's Spring Creek when I heard the same music being played as the music at the end of the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" where the humans are trying to communicate with the aliens. This occurred at 10:00 a.m. I've heard it many times over the last few years; always only once per day.

Does anyone know who's playing this music and for what purpose? Have any of you also heard it? It seems to come from the area of the airport. It's quite loud. Just curious.

Dah Dee dah dah dah dee dah dah
You are entering a new dimension
A dimension not of sight or sound but of mind.
I recall fishing Spring Creek a few years ago late in the summer when I found a fly box stuffed full of terrestrials. It was the kind of fly box that had one spot for each fly. Every spot was taken but in the one corner, lying loose, were a whole bunch of extra terrestrials.
FrankTroutAngler wrote:
I recall fishing Spring Creek a few years ago late in the summer when I found a fly box stuffed full of terrestrials. It was the kind of fly box that had one spot for each fly. Every spot was taken but in the one corner, lying loose, were a whole bunch of extra terrestrials.

Excellent - well played sir. :cool:
Yah, good stuff.

"Extra terrestrials"

I'll have to remember that one!

FrankTroutAngler wrote:
I recall fishing Spring Creek a few years ago late in the summer when I found a fly box stuffed full of terrestrials. It was the kind of fly box that had one spot for each fly. Every spot was taken but in the one corner, lying loose, were a whole bunch of extra terrestrials.

Wow! Impressive.
All joking aside, many times I have heard the musical notes described by the OP while fishing Spring Creek. It's five notes repeated four or five times and they sound just like those in the movie Close Encounters. Very loud. I believe I've always heard it in the morning. This has been going on for several years.
Franktroutangler wrote;

Every spot was taken but in the one corner, lying loose, were a whole bunch of extra terrestrials

Very good! Made me smile. :)
Wild guess. Blue band trumpets tuning? No idea what notes and sequences they use today, but here's a taste. Would make sense as all notes in the close encounters sequence are on the same scale with a couple of octave jumps, which would fit with a trumpet tuning/warm-up.
After watching this video, I don't see how anyone could laugh at the very real likelihood that aliens are out there.
why are they aliens ?
jest neighbors ain't they,on second thought I' ve had some strange ones who seemed to think I was weird.
pcray1231 wrote:
Wild guess. Blue band trumpets tuning? No idea what notes and sequences they use today, but here's a taste. Would make sense as all notes in the close encounters sequence are on the same scale with a couple of octave jumps, which would fit with a trumpet tuning/warm-up.

Definitely not the Blue Band. It sounded much better than that. :)

Actually, if it was the Blue Band warming up they'd have to cool down very quickly since the whole repeated sequence lasts probably only about a half minute at most.

The music I have heard many times over the last several years sounds EXACTLY like the notes played in the movie. The direction it comes from is not near the university, though I admit sound can bounce around and sound like it's coming from somewhere else.

It's a mystery. I'm just surprised lots of other anglers haven't heard it.
PocketWater wrote:
After watching this video, I don't see how anyone could laugh at the very real likelihood that aliens are out there.

I for one became interested in UFO's and intelligent life on other planets back in the 1960's when I was still a little twerp. There's far too much evidence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life for all of it to be false (in my opinion).
I dated a gal who was out of this world, unearthly. GG
when you make it to Florida you can nite fish around the docks and listen to the bar music and noise----I have even fished right under couples on the dock above--different kind of trout though.
What the Blue Band is playing is from the opening moments of 2001; a Space Odyssey, not Close Encounters.
Chas. Warm-up/tuning routine that changes depending who the lead trumpet is. But 5 notes, from the same major, with at least one octave jump is the standard. Just like close encounters.

Frank, I believe you that it wasn't this. But, in the movie, the sound wasn't a synthesizer, but rather an orchestra. Classic John Williams stuff. Not sure if it was trumpets or some other horn.

Anyway, I most certainly believe there is intelligent life out there. A near mathematical certainty. That said, the chances they could communicate with Earth is remote. To visit would almost be prohibitive. Perhaps robots I guess.

But the cosmic speed limit is the speed of light. Our first radio broadcast was Hitler. It has only reached a few dozen other stars by now. If there is life around those stars and they returned a message, the number of stars from which we'd have received a response can be counted on your fingers. Biological beings can't even get to half that speed without being torn apart.

Hard to tell if intelligent life is around 1 in a billion stars or 1 in 1000. Either way the chances of having neighbors near enough to have a relationship with is slim.

And heck, 99% of the universe is millions of light years away. If they looked at us through telescopes, only like the 1% that are closest would see dinosaurs. The farthest ones wouldn't even see Earth yet.
Well, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who has heard it.

For a while there I thought maybe it somehow involved me. :)
pete41 wrote:
when you make it to Florida you can nite fish around the docks and listen to the bar music and noise----I have even fished right under couples on the dock above--different kind of trout though.

Speaking of hearing music on the water...without a doubt one of the most enjoyable times I've had on the Susky over the last five years was during the weekend of the Fourth of July.

I waded out in wrightsville on a peaceful summer evening and soon a band began to play and the night ended with a fabulous fireworks display. Next year if the water is low enough I may haul out a chair and a six pack.
Was in the Blue Band a long time ago, unfortunately was not into fishing then.
Mentioned this to Mr. Humphrey a few years ago and he kindly autographed a Mid-Atlantic Fly Fishing guide for me with a chastisement for not taking fly fishing course when in college.
Did take firearms and golf PE courses though, and you got PE credit for being in the BB during marching season.