Congtatulations Mike!!

Congratulations Mike !!!
Congratulations Mike. Thanks for all the interesting information, observations, and ideas. I hope you will keep posting on here.

Several times you have posted about how some streams in SE PA have improved substantially, with wild trout populations increasing and extending downstream further than in the past.

That is a very interesting topic, and it is information not known by many people.

If you could compile that information along with the explanations of how and why these things occurred, along with photos, it would make an epic article, and/or presentation to make at places like the Coldwater conferences.

This news is bittersweet! I hope we didn't lose a voice to improve the schuylkill river at the commission, on the other hand enjoy the good life for Many quality years to come.
as a fisherman from the opposite corner of the state. It was of pleasure reading your contribution to the site. The incite and and information was very pleasurable to read.
I hope you instilled some of incite you gained from your posts to instill the future generation to contribute on the site in your place.
Now is time to keep your rod bent and your family close, congratulations on your retirement.
Oh great, one more guy on the water. lol Congrats
Congrats on your retirement and thanks for the expert advice and reports on PA's streams and fish.
Congratulations, Mike! I've enjoyed reading your informative posts and articles not only on this site, but in Pennsylvania Angler magazines for decades! Thanks for your many years of diligent work on behalf of the resource and us anglers. I wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement!
Congratulations Sir! A worthy career indeed.
I also congratulate you and thank you for the positive things you have done. (Larry Jackson would be proud of you!)
Thank you Mike for your contributions and efforts to protect wild trout and cold water fisheries in the great state of Pennsylvania. Enjoy your retirement.
Congrats Mike. Hope you get to do more sampling with a fishing pole, as opposed to an electo-pack now. (Did you ever feel like a Ghostbuster wearing one of those? ;-) )

If you ever want to fish, just shoot me a PM.
Thank you Mike for all of your contributions, whether they were here on PAFF or through your efforts with PFBC.

Enjoy retirement.
Thank you so much for the very humbling number of congrats and compliments. It is indeed satisfying to realize that so many of you appreciated my contributions here and on the job, although calling it a "job" grossly minimizes the joys and wonderful experiences that I got out of my career. I was blessed. While I indeed will do more fishing, biking, hiking, and birding, as well as attack the honey-do list, I will continue to watch fisheries issues closely, comment when necessary, keep up with some of the science, and contribute here.

A substantial part of the reason why I chose to retire is that I was becoming more and more envious of individuals whom I saw fishing, birding, biking, or hiking on those beautiful spring mornings. I look forward to joining them and, as has been suggested here, taking advantage of some the spoils of my professional efforts. Since you are fishermen I am certain that you can appreciate that I especially look forward to returning to American shad fishing and doing more trout, striper, and crappie fishing, as well as returning to wading the rivers in summer for smallmouth bass.

Again, thank you for your very nice comments and well wishes.
Very nice article about Mike in the Morning Call >
I always looked for your posts on the forums as I knew you would say some quality remarks and observations.Here 's wishing you a long and relaxing retirement!!!!!
Oh wow. I will miss our conversations about a certain few water ways in the SE Mike. I often looked forward to reporting back to you after outings. Maybe we will cross paths on the water one day. Thanks for all you've done!