Confused about stream access



Nov 9, 2010
Garnet Valley
I live in Delaware county and I have been scouting for places to fish this spring. Some of the places I have fished (Ridley & Chester creeks) are located in public parks with parking lots, very easy but crowded. I have started with the state website to identify all of the trout water in the immediate area and gone to check out the listed access points. These "access points" are usually very small bridges in residential areas. Can you normally access the stream from the street at a bridge crossing?

I went to check an access point I read about on a county website (also a state stocking location) last night only to find Posted signs at both ends of the bridge. Is that normal? Do I just need to check all other crossings? Is joining local TU the key for this local info?
I'm not from that area - it's a bit of a tough call without being able to see the situation firsthand. As a pretty consistent rule, the state will not stock a stream if the land is posted. I would think that if the section is Approved Trout Water and the bridge you're thinking about is within the section listed as ATW, you should be able to walk in. Sometimes the PFBC posts "Fishing Permitted" or "Litterbug Law" signs even though there are Posted signs on the same tree. This is your cue that you can walk in to fish. If in doubt, a knock on a door and polite inquiry will usually clarify the situation or even get you access to a posted stream that isn't stocked. Also, be careful with parking in residential areas with small bridges.
Joining the local TU - in addition to being worthwhile for a host of other reasons - can often answer these questions if you attend meetings.
Thanks for the info. I drove by again today to take a closer look now that the snow has metled. The land immediately bordering the bridge is a cut through for an underground gas pipeline. There is a wide shoulder that looks like it has been used as a parking spot in the past, BUT someone has lined the edge of the road with boulders, effectively blocking access to the shoulder.

Much easier access downstream so I think i will focus there.
I hope you can find access. Nothing is more of a bummer than when "approved" water gets posted, effectively ending the stocking and the fishing. One of my favorite spots was posted a few years back. Naturally, the state stopped stocking it. The good news is I stopped at the landowner's house, introduced myself and asked permission. The guy thanked me and gave me permission to fish. Turns out that he only posted it because of the litterbugs and slobs. He said the Litterbug Law posters did nothing to help with all the garbage.. I'm abale to fish there, but the bad news is, no more stocking...