
winter time can be some of the best fishing numbers wise if if you keep in mind most streams have springs coming in from the side or bottom-this water will be slightly warmer on the coldest days so often the trout will be stacked in holes slightly down stream from the springs-but being post spawn for the browns they won't be the fatties they were in pre spawn.
Nymphs also may be only 1/2 grown so not the time for spring/summer getting ready to emerge sizers...
Even though I was an avid streamer fisherman in my Montana days I had to admit nymphs far more reliable in the winter-also snow melt shut it down so yeah winter can be tricky but also find the pods before it got too warm it can be 20 fish days in an hour or so.Butt more lethargic's still fishing so beats butt sitting in front of tube.Just watch out for the icebergs---lol
My confidence level goes up in the winter. I don't find myself wondering how many dozens, or even hundreds of guys have bombarded the same runs with every fly known to man for who knows how many consecutive days, weeks or months.
My confidence drops after a bad weekend.

Example - I fished a few streams in ANF that are supposed to have a population of wild browns in em plus gemmies. I fished hard from 9am until about 6pm. Covered at least a half dozen miles on 3 different streams. I caught 1 little gemmie around 5:30pm.

This is more of a confidence killer than winter could ever be. I did my research, stared at maps all week, made a plan of attack and dove in head first. Typically ANF streams will produce a good number of little gemmies if nothing else. I couldnt even find them. This is the second fishing trip to ANF this year that has been a dud. The last trip didnt produce a single fish.

Ive had days in ANF where I lost count of fish before lunch time. I can count the number of fish I caught on 2 trips on 1 finger.

Im not sure if its because the temps have been way up and down the past few week, the snow we got last week, the high water levels, or I just picked a few bad streams to fish.

Confidence - 0
Nature - 1

I catch the biggest trout and most of highest numbers in the winter.
PaulItaliano wrote:
Hello, been a long time lurker without contributing much.

Was just having some thoughts and thought I would share with the forum, to see if anyone else feels the same way.

I have been fly fishing for about 35 years now, it has been a very important part of my life. Fly fishing has seen me through many difficult and troubling times over the years.

I just recently noticed a “trend” in my fly fishing experience.

Late and very early in the year (Dec-Feb), my confidence that I will catch a fish is very low. The 5-8 times I get out over the winter rarely yield a trout, the trout that I do catch are small. Over the winter my knots are poor, my casting is sloppy and I am always second guessing my fly selection.

In the beginning of April though, it all changes; I hit the fully stocked local stream and catch a dozen freshly stocked and very dumb trout. My confidence is back; now my trips upstate and to central PA to quality trout streams is MUCH more productive. My knots are tied quickly and perfectly, my casting is smooth and accurate and I always (most of the time) pick the right fly.

Anyone else experiences this “lack of confidence” in the winter?

I do lower my expectations. And I target streams where there are fish and more favorable conditions. You have to fish where there are fish. We all suffer from the lower light and lower vitamin D during the winter. And the increase of daylight hours along with temps improves our attitudes. But having realistic expectations and learning to simply enjoy time on the water allows me to still have some cherished winter fishing.

(One of my favorite times to fish is on Penns during a February snowstorm. No competition for that nice hole up ahead.)