
Mike wrote:
Larkmark and McSneek,
See the last half of my response #5 above. The word “interesting” was a big hint. It also was a reference to channel cats, clearly evidence of river fish movement.

I’ve seen some very large channel cats in the county park stretch. Never managed to catch one on a fly but have caught smaller ones in that stretch.

We got another heavy storm last evening and the river was up and even muddier today. It has to be muddy all the way to the mouth now.
McSneek wrote:
We got another heavy storm last evening and the river was up and even muddier today. It has to be muddy all the way to the mouth now.

I saw on the gauge it went up to 1000 CFS or so. Yes, these localized storms really tend to muddy up the water and increase the flow for a short period of time.

With respect to fish migration and the Susquehanna, the whole concept would be a neat one to study. It is commonly known that some VERY large trout head to the river once things cool down, then return to colder water in the summer months. I think a lot of of other species are also using tributaries (both warm and cold water) as a highway to the Susky.
My friend caught 18 smallies and 12 rock bass on the Little Conestoga on July 10. Most were small but one was 12 and 3 10 inchers. He also fished the Stoga yesterday and caught 22 in an hour and a half. Biggest was 11. I need to get out there.