read, alot!! find any and all books on beginning fly fishing, don't worry about any specialized techniques yet, they will come naturally as you progress. pick up a copy of "the curtis creek manifesto" great little book, good tips, fun to read, like a comic book only it really has good tips and hints, amazon probably carries it. don't get caught up in buying the latest and greatest gear, any decent quality rod and reel will do the job, better to spend the money on a quality line, which will last years if properly cared for. fly fishing marketers love to prey on new comers, don't fall for it. first and foremost, have fun, that's the bottom line. sometimes we catch fish, sometimes we don't, but it's stll fun, much better than being at work! oh yea, go to a local blue gill pond, easy to catch, good practice in setting the hook, landing the fish, etc. tons of fun also!!