Compartment Style Boxes



Active member
Aug 9, 2010
Are they worth if for dry flies? If so, how about a good recommendation?
It's all I use.
Mine are mostly 8 compartment Dewitt boxes from FFP in state college. All my mayflies are kept these
I also have an 18 compartment box for my caddis's.
About $10 each
Im switching from compartment style and actually got boxes off Allens site... the compartment style have caused me too much aggravation when trying to get out the single fly, bunching together...
I use a compartment style for dry flies to avoid your typical hackle-crunching.
Good point on the hackle tho....I have fat fingers maybe I just need a bigger
I usually use forceps to grab a single fly out of the bunch and then just pull the rest away with my fingers.
i just use just regular flambeau storage boxes you get from walmart and gander mountain. they work great. you can get the simple 6 compartment small boxes for under $2.
These are great, each compartment has a separate lid.


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Sandfly, who's it made by, where'd you get it?
I've been trying to figure out ideal storage and carry since I started.

Used a foam box, but the bottom hackle gets crushed, and they'd fall out. I hated the foam.

Used a Flambleu slotted box without the middle leaf, lots of wasted space and kinda heavy.

Used a fake Wheatley, very annoying.

Used a couple of six box generics pressed together, better but bigger and inefficent.

Bought a generic little plastic thing with (mostly) individual flip lids. This might be perfect if you don't carry alot. Its small, compact, and light. The compartments are big enough I've got 4 or 5 of every generic pattern I'd imagine I want in a day, plus spaces for the wet stuff too.

Compartment boxes are nicer, if you don't mind the lack of anal retentivity when it comes time to categorize. I figure I'm going to try and use my little box for now, and I'll work on filling out the bigger ones to keep aournd should I go somewhere I might need to break out of the usual flies.
Get a Wheatley. Yeah they're kinda pricey, but they last forever. Spend a little extra coin and you'll have an eventual heirloom for your childrens...found this one on auction, it's from the '20s and still funtional for the most part (couple of the little springs are showing some rust.) Not sure if I wanna take it streamside, but it's plenty capable if I decide to, mostly afraid I'll ruin the original felt if I use it toooo much...


It also came with a bunch of vintage flies in it, figure to make a shadow box for a couple of 'em when I find the motivation:

I sell them just had a few on E-bay last week. still have some here in stock
I like the cheapest ones for a couple bucks.

Also Gander Mt. sells a cloudy 12 compartment for $1 (the clear is $5).