Colton and Bob Filger



New member
Mar 30, 2007
I have been fly fishing for 40 years. I have mostly fished fresh water but have some limited experience in the salt. I have never owned salt specific tackle but that changed when I read the posts about the Sandy Hook Jam. I got so jealous reading about all you that attended that I decided to attend the next one. I read up on tackle and read several glowing recommendations for Colton rods and reels and saw that they were on sale. I ordered a Tradewinds 10wt and a 911 reel and spool. They are gorgeous and it was love at first sight. The problem I had was that the reels were set up for left hand retrieve. Personally, I believe only sissys and young punks retrieve with their left hands (just joking.) I thought I could see how to change the retrieve but who wants to take a chance at messing up a brand new gorgeous reel. I emailed Colton asking for instructions on how to change the retrieve. I sent my email at 10;58PM. Bob Filger emailed a set of instructions back at 11:10pm. I was hoping to hear from Colton some time this week. I never expected a reply from the owner of the company in 12 minutes. I have heard that Colton has great customer service but in 40 years of dealing with many tackle companies I never would have believed I would experience service like this. Colton may well have a new customer for life. I just wanted to let you guys know.
Yep, Bob is awesome. I met him in person and we exchanged fishing stories for hours. Both our sons names are Colton. You reminded me, that I should give him a call. He might be chasing Falsies up and down the coast though.
+1 on Bob and Colton great service and you cant beat products for the price especially when they are on sale :-D
He is a very nice man - Last Christmas I emailed him to see if he had any hats as I wanted to give one to my neighbor. My neighbor has a son named Colton and I thought he would like the hat. He mailed me a 1/2 dozen high quality hats for nothing. I was able to give one to the entire family plus their grandparents.

Great guy and great company