Colossal Pike



Active member
Jan 2, 2007

Someone sent me this link. Insane!
Wow! That's a heckuva big pike. I didn't read through all the posts but I'd hazard a guess that's in Europe. Euro northerns are generally bigger and much heavier bodied than North American pike. The shape of the squigly markings toward the tail also suggest a European fish...although it could be a US or Canadian fish. Cool link.
Not to get too far off-topic, but there was a good article on muskie-on-the-fly fishing in the current "Fly Fisherman" magazine. Good tips on chasing the top predator!
The newton-hamilton area would be a good place to chase them on the fly there are some big muskies there.
That last picture is amazing.
Yeah I seen that one before a couple of years ago
What is your reaction to this..
I like this one too with the flathead
Wow, that's a huge pike. I once saw a 50lber caught on a tv show. Like that fish, I think this fish is from a northern Canadian shield lake in Manitoba or the Northwest Territories- lakes up there are noted for producing huge pike in the 30-40lb+ range with some 50lbers too. My biggest pike ever was 36", that's a solid 10lbs+ fish and arespectable-sized pike, and this thing came eat a fish like that for dinner!

I really want to tangle with a good pike or musky on a flyrod someday. I used to love watching Larry Dahlberg catching big Canadian pike on flyrods for In-Fisherman TV. There was an awesome show years ago called Thunder on the Water- totally devoted to musky fishing. It wasn't with flyrods but it was great fishing action and informative. I remember they landed several 50+ inchers which is like the holy grail or something in musky fishing. What can I saw, I enjoy watching good, exciting fishing shows of any type.