colorful Bluegill



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
Nothing fancy here. The streams were all blown out last week so I threw some small poppers on a Fayette County pond. Colorful little guy.


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They should be at their most colorful's spawning season in most areas.
i love panfish. if blueguill in the 10-12'' range were everyday fair, nobody would fish for anything else.
that pic got me fired up.
My daughter caught 12 of them at the Green Lane Res., boat launch with her barbie rod. She's only 4, but she had a blast catching them!
arbor1 wrote:
My daughter caught 12 of them at the Green Lane Res., boat launch with her barbie rod. She's only 4, but she had a blast catching them!

Arbor, thats really cool! You must've been really proud. I got out fished by a lil' guy with a Snoopy rod one year on opening day. I'm ok with it. It won't be the last time.
turkey wrote:
arbor1 wrote:
My daughter caught 12 of them at the Green Lane Res., boat launch with her barbie rod. She's only 4, but she had a blast catching them!

Arbor, thats really cool! You must've been really proud. I got out fished by a lil' guy with a Snoopy rod one year on opening day. I'm ok with it. It won't be the last time.
Oh yeah, she had a ton of fun catching bluegills. She liked it so much we went the next night and managed to reel in 6 in about 1/2 hr. Hopefully she keeps her interest in it and graduate to a fly rod someday. :)
One kid umping a game and he other visiting a friend...that's what I'm doing tomorrow at some point.
You get 15-20 of those little guys and you can have yourself one hell of a good fish fry