cold weather gloves



Aug 4, 2009
I used to have a nice pair of neoprene gloves for cold weather fishing but they’ve gone missing. I need to get something new and was wondering if I can get some recommendations on what people are having success with.
I used to have neoprene gloves and they are great for very cold weather, but hated that I had to take them off to tie on a fly. Since then I switched to fold over fleece mittens for the extreme cold when I may be on the water for long periods of time and dead of winter fishing.

I have my eye on a new set of fingerless wool gloves for the majority of my use.
I just bought a pair of the fingerless wool gloves, the ones without the fold over mittens. Only the finger tips are exposed anyway and they are thick gloves.
If it is super cold out not much is going to keep your fingers from being cold eventually.

You got to be able to tie knots,pull line, unhook fish,untagle snags and such and when you do they will get cold.

Carry a small towel and wipe your hands off when wet. My hands get cold but U can warm them up enought to continue. But my feet, oh the feet. They are my undoing.

I gots these- the neo part dries fast and is somewhat warm when wet. Relatively cheap.

I imagne these are pretty warm.
if it's that cold out, I go skiing.
I second the wool fold overs. When the wool is wet, it still keeps you warm... don't know how...all I know is that it does and that's all that matters. I got a new pair from walmart this year. I bought some neoprenes last year and hated them. They didn't keep me any warmer than my hands being completely exposed.
I like fleece with fingertip cut-outs.
I'll second Fishidiot that's what I use too! Fleece will keep you warm even if it is wet just like wool. I like the half-fingers so you can still tie on your flys.
100% rag wool fingerless gloves. They are hard to find any more because someone thought it was a good idea to line them with fleece. Fleece gets heavy when wet and takes longer to dry out than wool which defeats the purpose of the wool glove IMO.
I also use the wool foldovers. When your fingers get too cold you can take a break and stick some heat packs inside for a few minutes.
I use fingerless till it gets to cold then the wool foldovers. I also drink ginger tea to keep the veins and arteries open.
I don't know anything better than wool for insulating while wet.

I was just reading Lefty Kreh's book Presenting The Fly. Lots of good ideas in there, one of which was about gloves...Lefty recommends buying wool gloves with fingers, and sewing openings partway up on the glove fingers using a button stitch for each fingertip. That way you can use them either with your fingertips covered or exposed.

Carrying a towel is also a very good idea.
Wool is warm when wet but it also gets heavy when wet. Ask anybody who ever got caught out hunting in the rain wearing the old wool "Woolrich" buffalo plaid hunting coat and pants. I know because it has happened to me. You stay warm but that coat gets mighty heavy LOL!
I got some seal skins for a gift...the gloves and the socks are great..
I'm calling P.I.T.A. on you Tom, poor harp seals...LOL
ryguyfi wrote:
I second the wool fold overs. When the wool is wet, it still keeps you warm... don't know how...all I know is that it does and that's all that matters. I got a new pair from walmart this year. I bought some neoprenes last year and hated them. They didn't keep me any warmer than my hands being completely exposed.

It's an evolutionary perk of being a sheep or ram. Their wool keeps them warm when they are wet. It goes to show you that mother nature can get the job done now and then.

I only use fingerless wool. I don't go with foldovers though, because the damn flaps get caught on stuff. Either way, wool can't be beat IMO. It's cheap, which is a bonus. Be careful to make sure you get 100% wool, or rag wool gloves. Some places line them with synthetics or other fibers, which basically ruins the warm-when-wet properties of the wool.
wool gloves from the army/navy store. They are wool, warm and fairly inexpensive. I usually pick up 3 pair, @$10 worth every fall. I use my gore-tex for snow blowing.
jayL wrote:

It's an evolutionary perk of being a sheep or ram. Their wool keeps them warm when they are wet. It goes to show you that mother nature can get the job done now and then.

Nice little plug there bud ;-)
Thanks for the glove recommendations. Maybe it will be warm enough this year and I won’t need them. Now all I need is a cure for this darn poison ivy rash.