Codorus TT Access



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
I was checking out the Codorus TU site and it mentioned recent posting of a section of stream near the bridges, as well as an upcoming closure of a section behind the fire hall. Anyone know exactly where access ends when coming downstream from the cold water release from the dam? The Codorus is my go to "hit on my way home from work" stream and I don't want to **** off any landowners. Any info would be much appreciated.
Downstream of the Twin Bridges is a hunt club that posts during hunting season. Upstream is a landowner who got po'ed at the PGC for not getting his red tags for permission to kill deer for crop damage. I think he turned them in late or some technicality.

Anywho, this is his way to protest the PGC's decision. The Local WCO and PF&BC have been made aware of the situation and urged to appease the man through cooperation with the PGC but apparently the access of this little piece of wild trout water is not important enough to make an exception.

I think he owns up to the tractor ford shortly below the parking along the tracks on along Kraft Mill Road. But you could probably fish from the trench further down without getting into trouble. I think he is more discouraging parking near the bridges as his badge of ownership.

First of all, thanks for taking the time to seek out the correct information. That very commendable, and its important until this situation is resolved.

As you walk downstream toward the posted property, there's a water ditch/tree line that runs across the field between the railroad tracks and the creek. It shows up well on both Google Earth's and Bing Maps' aerial views. It's well downstream of the tractor crossing. That water ditch is right around the property line, so if you stay upstream of it, you should be fine.

Progress is being made (slowly!) in getting the guy the tags he's after. The Game Commission wants to make that happen, and the local TU is doing what we can to help. As long as no one says or does anything stupid to the landowner, this situation still has a good chance of ending well.

If you'd like to PM me or contact me through the TU web site, I can answer any additional questions. There's only so much I can post online at this point. Again, thanks for raising the question.

Thanks for the info. I know property owner relations have been strained on a few properties along the creek, and I wish to not contribute to that. Thanks again.
:idea: Hook the landowner up with the red tags then! The deer are destroying his crops - the corn on the edges of the field (20 rows deep) is definately getting torn up!! The Codorus ROCKS and the more access the conservationist FF'ers have the better!! I LOVE this stream! :cool: