Codorus Creek - Menges Mills?



Mar 15, 2016
Is there a place to fish at the codorus near Menges Mills, and can someone guide me to some roads to find these places? I am trying to find a place to catch a few fish near my house since its about 20 mins closer than the YB. if there is anywhere closer to the York college area, that would be even better. thanks
spring valley park or ray myers hollow still has lots of fish then you have the codours from glenn rock to lake redman
Blake - You probably should be looking further upstream than Menges Mills, in the area around Porters Sideling. there's a special regs area up there that's the best place to learn the stream. There's parking at all the bridges and a few places in between.

Near the upper end, there's a sawmill with a picnic area across the street. The local TU chapter will meet next Wed. (7/13 7 p.m.) at the picnic area and you're welcome to drop by. Plenty of knowledgeable guys there to learn more from.

Also, don't overlook the south branch Codorus just downstream from Glen Rock along the rail trail. Decent fishing there too. You can PM me anytime with any other questions as well.
I hear most of the Dorus below the TT(class A section) is posted but also hear there's lots big wild fish.
East branch is fished hard and stocked heavy- stock dates between sections to Redman are- 3/9, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/14, 4/19, 4/23, 5/2, 5/6, 5/10, and 6/3 if you count PFBC and IWL

from York College there's a wild brook trout stream 20-25min ;-)
and wild browns less then 15min ;-)
blakew510 how did you ever make out fishing smallies in the city? I been catching channel cats on dry fly's on the river lately. Soon time to go back to the Trout for me.


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Shaner - well as hideous as this sounds I don't know much about fishing there either. I just got into fly fishing recently and have only really fished muddy creek and yellow breeches (and have been having a decent amount of success). But as a high school student and also the first one in my family to ever fly fish its pretty difficult to have any guidance towards what I'm doing other than a lesson I took last summer and online resources. Thankfully my dad has attempted to pick up the sport with me and we are trying our best. What kind of flies would you fish in the city section of the codorus creek? And could you do this near the prince club?
Nice cat by the way.
sorry I got you confused with someone else that said about fishing the codorus in the city...the offer still stands if you wanna hit some streams together.
fish buggers in the city around the prince club should be good feel free to pm me any time especially if you wanna hit muddy some time
If you ask permission, you may find a landowner or two who will let you fish in the Menges Mills area. There is some good habitat there.