Closed Tunnel Penns Creek Poe Paddy Catch and Release Area

Well, a sheet metal pipe, like the one that was on one end, might protect you from the occasional small rock dropping from the ceiling. But any larger rocks are just gonna crush it. And it wouldn't have the strength to add any sort of structural support to prevent total cave in, if that's a concern.

They don't make thick diameter, seamless pipe that large, to my knowledge. These are made by piercing, the metal gets hot and a spinning mandrel essentially drills out the middle. I don't know of any equipment in the world capable of handling something bigger than 4 or 5 ft in diameter. And if it does exist, it'd be very expensive.

I don't know enough about the specifics of the tunnel, rock types, how stable it is, etc. But I would guess the path would be more likely to be placing large rock bolts in the ceiling and maybe walls. Then perhaps some sort of structure, or a sheet metal pipe, to protect from the smaller stuff.
Just carry an umbrella. Sorry - couldn't resist. :lol:

Dear pcray,

What about scaling back any loose rock and placing matting through the arch and then spraying it with gunite or shotcrete? The tunnel is already old and something like that would probably last 20 or so years. After that I'll likely be dead so the rest of you can fend for yourselves. ;-)

We really need a Swiss flyfisher to take a look at the tunnel and figure out a cheap fix, you can't go from town to town in much of Switzerland without passing through several tunnels.


Tim Murphy :)
Hey, they spent over a million for a tunnel in our area for the hikers on the App. Trail...........let's have a little for us fishermen and women.
Well, I made it back alive and here is a report on the tunnel.

It is closed and blocked off by a barricade. So, even if I had wanted to take my chances with falling rocks, I was not able to do so.

The options are as follows:

1. Up and over
2. Around the horn
3. In from Cherry Run end
4. Park near Swift Run and walk downstream

On Saturday, since the Friday night rain gave us some time to kill in search better waters, I stopped in to consult with Jonas at The Feathered Hook. He stated that the state has allocated $700k to fix the tunnel but he would not expect the project to be completed this year. It still would not hurt to write your Congressman if you are interested to show your support.

I am also reporting that Poe Paddy Campground has new toilet facilities. They reduced capacity by installing two one-seaters. The mens room used to have a urinal and toilet but I guess they just figured most people use the woods as the urinal. Now that the bathroom is single use they really should have made both rooms unisex so that they get equal usage, increase useful capacity, and are both ready for a refresh at the same time in the future.
Luke - So how is the "up and over" option? I may find out for myself next Friday. Is there much parking at Swift Run?
Many more people use the Poe Paddy tunnel than fly anglers. That railroad trail is an extremely popular bicycling and hiking route- scenic, level, and just the right length for a morning or afternoon excursion, with a state park with camping facilities and a swimming lake that works either as the beginning, the the turnaround, or the destination. Obviously the tunnel deserves to be fixed.

Ironically, anglers are the people who need access to the tunnel the least. We're the ones most able to bypass it by wading the stream, and as a rule we aren't encumbered with bikes or large backpacks.
Is this tunnel, the Poe Paddy Tunnel, still closed??

Is the pedestrian railroad crossing open though leading to the tunnel?
PaulK wrote:
Is this tunnel, the Poe Paddy Tunnel, still closed??

Is the pedestrian railroad crossing open though leading to the tunnel?

According to the link provided by Afishinado in another thread it appears to have re-opened.
Yes, it is opened. I used it last October.