Closed Tunnel Penns Creek Poe Paddy Catch and Release Area



May 18, 2010
I hear that the tunnel access from Poe Paddy campground to the Catch and Release wilderness area of Penns Creek is closed, but not completely blocked off.

How many people are going to take their chances and pass through anyway?

Is there a trail up and over instead of throught the tunnel?

I am thinking to take along a hard hat or bike helmet and just take my chances.

You thoughts?
Come in from the bottom @ Cherry Run
Run like heck and say a prayer-- both ways.

Or follow the Creek around the bend.
Come in from Cherry Run? If it's 80 degrees out.... that hike sucks. Coming out after dark also blows.
Walk all the way from Cherry run to fish the opposite side of the bend at Poe Paddy!?!? LMFAO!!!

Just park at Poe Paddy and walk downstream on Paddy Mt Rd. Doesn't really take that long. A quick search on Google maps should clarify this if you don't understand.

Why not just tell him? But don't tell him what fly you used to catch anything on the way. :cool:
Luke - I asked about the tunnel closure at the fly fishing show back in March. George Daniel wasn't aware of it. Another Penns Creek guide hadn't heard that either. Some speculation was it had something to do with bad ice in the winter. Haven't seen any word on this closure on TCO, Penns Creek Angler or FFP websites. If no one else knows and you're up there next week please post what you find out.

In advance of the April 13 traditional statewide opening day of trout fishing season, the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is reminding anglers, hikers and other users of the Penns Creek Path rail-trail that the Poe Paddy Tunnel remains closed because of deteriorating structural conditions. Falling and loose overhead rocks forced the mid-February closing of the structure that passes through West Paddy Mountain along Penns Creek and close to Poe Paddy State Park, Centre County. The historic tunnel is part of the Mid-State Trail and former Cherry Run Railroad bed. "With warming weather and the approaching April 13 opening of trout season, we are expecting an increased number of trail-users in that area and we want to get the word out about the closing," said John Portzline, assistant district forester with Bald Eagle State Forest District. The tunnel was used frequently by hikers and biking enthusiasts as well as anglers who use the tunnel to access two different stretches of Penns Creek, a premier trout fishing destination.Parking areas for Mid-State Trail access near the tunnel have been posted with closing notices. Repair work and duration of the closing are contingent upon emergency funding, Portzline said.

Many times I've walked through that tunnel and have seen big rocks lying on the ground and thought, hmmm, those rocks fell out of the ceiling. I hope another one doesn't fall right now and knock my brains out. Then started walking a little faster. Part of the Penns Creek experience.
PennKev - Yes, I have made that walk (or fished that walk) many times. My issue is that I am camping for 4 nights in Poe Paddy and tradition typiclally has me fishing until dark somewhere between the tunnel and Cherry Run. I really do not like the idea of following the creek all the way back instead of cutting through the tunnel.

Parking at the lower end near Cherry Run isn't too convienent if one is camping in Poe Paddy.

I am with Troutbert, I have seen the evidence of falling rocks for many years; I will probably just continue to roll the dice. I am seriously considering the bike helmet approach however.

Krayfish - yes, it blows. particularly if you have to then drive back to the campground at Poe Paddy!

McSneek - If you don't hear back from me it is because I was killed by a falling rock!
I was at Paddy tues and DCNR was working on it, but it could possibly (probably) still be closed for a long time. In the meantime I have heard they marked a trail over the mountain.

I don't expect it to be open till next year.

Parking close to a trib downstream provides a short walk and quick access to the other side.
That sucks, but what can ya do?

Yeah, I've made the walk many times too, though from the Poe Paddy end. It's a pretty typical Penns Creek day for me to go through the tunnel and walk DOWN to Cherry Run, then fish my way back.

The reason I wouldn't access from the Cherry Run side is the DRIVE being too long. When in that area, I'm always coming from the west. Either camped at Poe Paddy or based out of the State College area. That adds a lot of driving time!

I'm much more likely to park somewhere around where Swift Run comes in, and walk down from there. Parking in that area sucks. But it's not that much more of a walk.

Look at the bright side. If access is more difficult, the hoards will stay away. I'll miss the tunnel, though. It added to the experience.
That's a real bummer. Made it very efficient to fish the loop back to the bridge. This is likely a bigger prob for the tubers.
From the time they are built tunnels are always subject to collapse, but apparently this one is particularly bad, caution is advised. Being a RR enthusiast I've walked many tunnels and have seen cave-ins. If it should happen when you are in a tunnel, it could mean you'll never get out, even if it doesn't fall right on top of you. I know that tunnel is short and it's unlikely that you wouldn't have an avenue of escape, but it could happen. If DCNR says don't use it, then don't
You can detour around the tunnel and still make use ofthe trail.
I believe it is now closed and you can't use it. I saw a pic of it fri from Jonas, closed off with a brick wall. Supposedly some money has been allocated at some level of government, but all bets are it will take a long time for any resolution due to the speed of gov.
Tax and spend? How much is needed, a half-million for a tunnel for fly anglers?
Fly anglers, bikers, runners, tubers, hikers.
And bikers. Don't forget them! They don't even have the alternate route of going around the U. Well, there's a pesky stream crossing, anyway.

j/k. And yeah, I'd expect it'd cost AT LEAST half a mill. Sad to see it go, but I'd certainly understand if it never opens again.
I am just kidding. A half-mil is peanuts as government contracts go. You can get that on an SBA loan with a nice smile. :cool:
How expensive would it be to run a large diameter (10 feet) pipe through there?

You could walk through the pipe, and be protected from falling rocks.