Close call for greenback cutts.



Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
OK, the link is from Foxnews, but it is an AP article.

Glad they caught this one. Only 11 miles left.

Greenback article
Sounds more like a kick in the nads...that could set the project back significantly.
This issue was stated in the USGS study of brookie genetics, and why I posted the message about the study. Biologists who are trying to restore a population of wild trout need to know the DNA of the trout both in the receiving stream and the stocks used.
tomgamber wrote:
Sounds more like a kick in the nads...that could set the project back significantly.

I agree Tom, and it did set the program back significantly. I'm just glad they caught it before it was too late.
I just hope the powers that fund it don't yank their money until they finish the job just because some bonehead made a boo boo.