Clear Rubber Netting?



Jun 4, 2007
The net i currently use isn't a hand carved masterpiece by any means however my grandfather gave it to me a few years ago. Its your typical tear drop laminated wood looking net with old fashion netting. I want to try and swap out the netting to this newer catch & release no snag friendly netting. I don't want to buy a new net simply because i love using stuff that's passed down to me from family members.

My question is do you think i should just buy this net and just restring my current net with the rubber? Or is there an even cheaper alternative like maybe just buying the netting by itself?

my net measurements are 14inches by 8 1/2 inches

"disregard the dried drool stains on the blanket i have 2 160lbs Newfoundlands :-D "
Doesn't look like much of a savings....
I have a family friend carving me an amazing work of art and have been looking for nets. The only ones I have found are the Brodin replacement.
You can buy a replacement netting. I restrung my wood handled net with a rubber net. Buying just the netting is really in expensive compared to buying the whole setup. I'm sure there's places online, that you can buy it from. I got my netting at a local fly shop in CO.
I have a Brodin net that I received as a gift for a donation to TU several years ago. It had a deep cloth bag that I never liked. I replaced the cloth bag with a rubber Ghost bag from Brodin. Keep in mind it was a Brodin net so I think the frame dimensions were pretty close to the replacement bag. I think you may be able to find other options for a replacement.

I guess another option might be to save the hand me down net - maybe hang it on a wall - since it has sentimental value and buy the ****'s net.
i may just get the brodin ghostbag. I have seen other rubber nets online but i really like the white version almost all the ones i see that are not brodin or black. Plus the pictures online really suck for the netting lets take a picture of a net in a plastic bag what the hell.
Maybe it's that pesky Georgetown tuition but snagging a fly in my old net just isn't that big a problem.
I received mine the other day from Brodin. Excellent service and very quick shipping time.
Another Plus for the Ghost nets over the Rubber ones is that they weigh much less.