Clarks creek serenity



Active member
Dec 29, 2006

Sometimes it seems that although I would like to catch larger fish in general, solitude and peaceful surroundings is needed more than drag ripping breeders that could get most anyone hooked on our sport with just one catch. Although Clarks has had the ability to deliver on both in the past I wasn't going anywhere that I saw another car at on this day.

It seems lately I have more turmoil in my heart than ever before, and although it cant really soothe a soul, on any given day Clarks can take the blues away atleast for a little. It took longer than usual to melt with the stream and its fish, but nature did finally take its course and started giving me wild brownies.

In a section of Clarks that is rarely fished but always passed by, I was given 11 browns, 9 of which were wild and the largest may have been 11". But the story here is I left with a better feeling than when I arrived. Theres always a little hidden reward when you get a wild fish to hand that is hard to describe. Precious and fragile, they always give me a sense of gratitude when I hold them and look at their patterns and colors no matter how small they may be.
There is no stream that has a connection with me quite like Clarks does. Although I know its not true, sometimes I still think it was made just for me.
Nice pic, I have a few spots like that in my neck of the woods also. Big fish are nice, but Mother Nature, she's a beauty!!
I should stop by Clarks more often when on my way to or from PSU, but I don't, in part because of a bad experience there. I do have my own personal preferences for solitude and catching fish though. Slate Run is one of them. I'm not going to say where the others are on an open forum.

I know how you feel, Clarks has been doing that for me for many a year...enjoy!

Squaretail or anyone

Merle is coming to Pa. tomorrow and Im trying to decide on a fishing plan for us. Are those big black horse flies still a problem up at Clarks? The last time I was there they drove me crazy, buzzing around my head and bitting me, wouldn't leave me alone.


Beautiful pics
From time to time the nats became annoying but I dont remember being bit once.
Chaz, I'm curious about your "bad Experience" on Clark's. If I may ask what happened. My love of fishing was scarred many years agao by a "Bad Experience" at Stone Valley lake, many years ago while night fishing as a teenager. I was the victim of an attempt of some kind of harm, not sure what they wanted. A buddy and I were fishing from a 10 foot John boat for bass at night. From out of nowhere, two guys in a canoe appered beside our boat and we never heard them coming.( we had a lantern on, they had no lights. The fact that they arrived so silently allerted us to begin with. They asked us if we wanted to Party and we said no, they kept pushing us to party with them and we kept declining, I'd had enough and told my buddy to grab the oars and let's go. he started rowing and then one of the guys reached out and grabbed the side of our boat and said, "you're not going anywhere!", I flipped on the trolling motor we had in the boat and hit it on high, I told my buddy to grab our long handled fishing net (about 4 feet long) and hit him, he proceeded to hit this idiot on the hands, arms head, anywhere he could swing until he was just swinging at air, it sounds funny to imagine this but he started rowing and I was steering with the motor straight for shore(about 200 yards) and when we hit the boat ramp, in one fluid motion we jumpd out, lifted the boat on each side, ran with the fully loaded john boat ( tackle boxes, rods, lantern, anchor, oars, trolling motor and car battery) another 50 yards to my truck and threw it into the back )amazing the adrenaline fear can conjour up), jumped in the truck and raced home, with my buddy looking out the back window all the way home. This was 25 years ago, and while time has allowed me to venture back to the water at night, I will never be 100% at ease out there and in fact just writing about this again, I can feel my blood preasure rising a bit. It's a shame that something as pure and innocent as fishing, can be damaged by the likes of people like those guys. I'm curious to hear of any other "bad experiences" anyone has had and what did you do about it.
Start your own thread about it.