Clarks Creek Rattlers

MattBoyer wrote:
TimMurphy wrote:

I love bears about as much as I love snakes. I've seen a few bears in the wild and what amazes me about bears is how a squirrel or chipmunk makes noise running in dead leaves but a 400 pound bear can run by and not make a sound?

Seriously, unless they are clumsy or drunk they go by you in a whisper.

Tim Murphy 🙂

Amen to that, man! I always tell my friends who aren't so woods wise that if it sounds like a bear coming it's a squirrel, but the black ghost makes no sound. It's un-friggin-canny how quiet they are.


Dear Matt,

Not to get too far off the subject but it was the same way when I lived in Florida.

If you heard something rattling and clanging alongside a stream it was almost always an armor plated opossum, AKA an armadillo.

You never heard an alligator moving about. I literally almost stepped on several that could have easily seriously injured me. I was walking a lakeshore fishing and not paying attention and never noticed they were there.

It's kind of cool how Mother Nature provides stealth to the big galoots. I wish she would have done it for me!

Tim Murphy 🙂