Cicadas around the Yough



Aug 28, 2015
Mods feel free to place this wherever it fits best. Not really sure where it ask....

Does anyone know if the cicadas are out in full force on the Yough between the outflow and Ohiopyle? Have you had any good top water action imitating them?

I was at the Dunbar FFO this past weekend and the cicadas are everywhere and the trout are definitely keyed in on them there. I would watch one floating down the creek, twitching, and vibrating like crazy and it didn't make it far. Of course I didn't have any foam cicadas or my popper box so it made for a tough day of fishing.

So I'm tying some foam cicadas now. They take up a lot of room in my box and use up a decent amount of material. If it's just worth it to tie for Dunbar I'm stopping at 6, but if they're going strong at the Yough too, I might tie up a dozen or two. Hence my question... Lol thanks in advance.
Sunday at Dunbar Creek FFO...

Caught four within an hour. They were SLAMMING the cicada fly!


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Also keep in mind when tying there is only about two more weeks of them left...
They are definitely hitting them hard at Dunbar. My two friends I went with had a couple foam cicadas and did good until they both lost the only two they had lol.

I did hear it's only for a couple more weeks. Wouldn't you think the trout will still be looking for them and picking off stragglers for the next couple months tho?
Same thing happened to me with losing my flies! honestly this is my first year fly fishing with cicadas in the area. It will be interesting to see how long they will still go after a fly. Definitely going to enjoy it while it's here! I also read on another thread about success with cicada imitations on the upper middle yough. I know they are all over yough lake and the bass are hitting them hard too
724flyfishing wrote:
They are definitely hitting them hard at Dunbar. My two friends I went with had a couple foam cicadas and did good until they both lost the only two they had lol.

I did hear it's only for a couple more weeks. Wouldn't you think the trout will still be looking for them and picking off stragglers for the next couple months tho?
They are starting to fade fast. About a week to 10 days ago seemed to be the peak of the action. The cicadas that are left are less than 1/2 of their original size since the adults do not eat. They are dying off in mass but still more than enough around to fish.
The brood we had here in SCPA in 2004 faded away in mid June and were largely gone from Adams Co, by the 20th according to my notes. I saw a few in MD the following week. Perhaps the current brood in SWPA is on a similar timetable(?).
Dave_W wrote:
The brood we had here in SCPA in 2004 faded away in mid June and were largely gone from Adams Co, by the 20th according to my notes. I saw a few in MD the following week. Perhaps the current brood in SWPA is on a similar timetable(?).

I hope for the sake of good fishing that's not the case, but it's looking to be on a similar time frame. Would you happen to have anything in your notes about fish reacting aggressively to cicada patterns after they were gone? I'll find out on my own eventually here, but I'm just curious now.

I'm pretty bummed out I missed out on a good piece of the action. I heard they were in the southwest corner of the state but they never made it to Westmoreland county so I forgot all about it. We went to Dunbar a little unprepared, just more for somewhere to fish we thought would still be good this time of the year and wouldn't be too blown out from the recent rain.

I'll be fishing in North central PA this weekend so I'll have to postpone any Fayette county adventures until the following week. Hopefully I'll still be able to get some cicada dry fly fishing in before I have to wait a while.
I don't really think the cicadas even made it as far north as westmoreland county.
They definitely didnt make it to northern Westmoreland Co, which is super disappointing to me
Was out in SW PA for the US Open last week. All over the place at my folks' place in northern Washington County. None at Oakmont.
Fished the yough last night and heard a few cicadas, but nothing like week's past. Fished a cicada pattern all night with no hits, and didn't see any others in the water either.

I'd say it's over or at least way down from previous, at least in Confluence.
Cicadas were booming in parts of westmoreland county. I fished Indian Creek dhalo two weeks ago and there were as many cicadas there as anywhere. They were in westmoreland for the entire length of the yough.