Cicada/trout study



Well-known member
Oct 1, 2019
Central Pa
This morning while fishing a small mountain stream in central Pa. that holds native brookies and is also a stocked fishery, I encountered an individual carry a plastic box about 30”x30”. I then asked him what the box was for. He proceeded to tell me it’s was being used as part of a cicada/ trout study to identify areas where cicadas are present and determine how much of an impact the cicada has on the diet of trout. The open top boxes are placed under trees in the woods and are used to collect dead cicadas as they fall out of the trees. I assume to estimate cicada numbers. Then, in those same areas, trout are collected and their stomach contents are analyzed for the presence of cicadas. This study is being conducted on Stoney creek, Clark’s creek and on the creek I was fishing which I prefer not to name. My assumption was correct that the trout are killed in order to complete their analysis. Unfortunately, I never thought to ask specifically who is conducting the study. I assume it is some university, maybe Penn State. Dumbstruck me didn’t ask.
Has anyone else ever heard of these studies being conducted? I also am curious if anyone else has seen any of these white plastic boxes in areas they fish.
BTW, the fishing was good! Sulphurs came off pretty early. Later switched to an Adams which worked too.