Christmas Brookies

This entire thread reminds me of an experience I had shopping this past weekend.

People were rude as heck. The icing on the cake was this 80 year old "lady" giving a 16 year old cashier at goodwill the riot act. First she complained because they put tape all over aceramic cookie jar. Then the girl rang her up but she complained it didn't show tax. Then the cashier included tax in her total but she wanted to see it in the register. Keep in mind, I'm sitting there for 10 minutes now behind her. Then the flustered cashier accidentally closed the register before giving the old lady her .01 change. Well she blew up. Asked for the manager etc.
My wife proceeds to hand her a penny and says merry xmas, figuring her point was made. Well that didn't stop her at all. Now 20 minutes into this I finally reached in my pocket and threw 2 dollars plus in change on the counter and said "Jesus said take your money and go in peace, merry xmas."
She did too.

Enjoy your time on the water and pics Mike.
Merry christmas
Sorry sal, I don't see the correlation. We're talking about a native fish that should be treated properly to live and propagate.
I see. native fish should be treated properly. not cashier's, fellow anglers whom post a few pics or humans in general

Well Merry Christmas then I guess.
I ate 16 smelt on Christmas eve and my conscience didn't even bother me. Lighten up, Francis.

Whenever I trick a brookie with something like that, I always say to the brookie, "brookie, that will learn ya'."
Just love the positivity on this page....
JackM wrote:
I ate 16 smelt on Christmas eve and my conscience didn't even bother me. Lighten up, Francis.

What a great movie, now the theme song has been stuck in my head all day.
If people want to protect the native brook trout population DONT FISH FOR THEM!!!!!
mike_richardson wrote:
Just love the positivity on this page....

I for one enjoyed your photos and the story. It probably takes more skill to fool one of those little natives than it does a steelhead. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the challenge.
DriftingDunn wrote:
mike_richardson wrote:
Just love the positivity on this page....

I for one enjoyed your photos and the story. It probably takes more skill to fool one of those little natives than it does a steelhead. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the challenge.

Native brookies in most streams are one of the easiest fish to catch, as long as you don't spook them. They are opportunistic feeders because most of the streams they inhabit are not very fertile. They seem to attack almost anything you throw at them.
I liked the photos of the brookies and the stream and the fly you used.

Pay no attention to the nattering nabobs of negativism.
troutbert wrote:
I liked the photos of the brookies and the stream and the fly you used.

Pay no attention to the nattering nabobs of negativism.

^Quote from the great statesmen...Spiro Agnew. First SA quote I can ever recall seeing. Works, though.
Yes, let's suppress the opinions of others who disagree.
outsider wrote:
Yes, let's suppress the opinions of others who disagree.

Did they erase your post?
ryansheehan wrote:
outsider wrote:
Yes, let's suppress the opinions of others who disagree.

Did they erase your post?'s all all it's glory....for all to read.

The Negativites are complaining about the negative posts...about their negative posts.... :oops:

As the great Spiro Agnew said, "Three things have been difficult to tame: the oceans, fools and women. We may soon be able to tame the oceans; fools and women will take a little longer."