Choice of Rod for Valley Creek



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I am thinking of hitting Valley in the next week or two. I hope to throw some small nymphs and/or dries. I was wondering what rod the members would suggest: Orvis 6'6" 4 wt. flea rod or Sage 8' 4 wt? I will probably fish in the park above the iron bridge. I will have both rods with me in case the wind makes my selection for me or if I decide to fish far upstream.


9' 5wt is perfect.
Depends on your style I guess.
My rod choice has evolved from 7' 3wt to 9.5' 3wt (even for dries) on this creek

I am far from a technicque / gear expert, but I like the length of the rod for line / drag control, and casting lighter line farther.

The 8 foot rod is big enough, I would be fishing Valley with a 7'6" 4 weight if it were me, but I do have an 8'.
i fish valley with a 7'6" 4wt and it has treated me well but don't take my word for it....i have only gone fly fishing like 6 times.....
The 8'4wt sounds about right, a good all around rod IMO
8 ft. 4 wt. will be just fine for the Valley but have done with a 7' 6" 4wt. Colton rod as well. Ones fishing style has a lot to do with rod choice. Best of luck!!
i use a 9ft #3 to get a better drift for small nymphs, emergers and dries.

imho #5 is overkill.
I use my 5'9" glass rod for valley.
The brand name does not matter; fish can't read. If you are substantiallyinto adjusting rod lengths, you may want both for fishing above or below the confluence of Little Valley Ck.
For me, anyway, in the park I'd opt for a 9 footer. In the mid-sections (above Little Valley), an 8 footer is more appropriate. It's not so small as to need a short little brush rod like you'd use on a brookie stream. But it gets small enough up there that a 9 footer can be a bit unwieldy.

pcray1231 wrote:
For me, anyway, in the park I'd opt for a 9 footer. In the mid-sections (above Little Valley), an 8 footer is more appropriate. It's not so small as to need a short little brush rod like you'd use on a brookie stream. But it gets small enough up there that a 9 footer can be a bit unwieldy.

Pat, I have used my 8 footer up above LVC but love using my 6'6" up there. Even with WB-ers, I find it easier controlling roll casts in all that brush. Like I did yesterday when I snuck all of work at lunch time. :)
I like an 8' 3 or 4 weigh it is a good balance for me
This is not a snipe it's a question. Why would you want to change rod lenghts in a tiny stream like the Valley??????
Valley in the Park is wider and more open to casting. Above Little Valley the stream is pretty narrow and has more overhanging trees and bushes.
