chewing snuff...



Jun 11, 2012
Im a snuff chewer and was wondering if residual snuff on your fingers, after I put a dip in, affects fish. I try to rub my hands in dirt or grass to mask it but was wandering if anyone did a self "study" on this. The reason im asking is because an old timer i met on two lick creek used to spit on his bait/lures.

Sorry if this is wrong section to post this. Seems like a noob question.
With trout, no idea, but for carp it is really bad, they apparently hate nicotine. My guess is to clean your hands, don't take the chance
I chew beechnut wintergreen. When putting on a streamer or larger nymph (#6 stone). I soak them down with chew juice so they sink faster. Never noticed any problems.
This sounds gross but try it.........when the carpenter ants show up , which should be soon , take a fair sized specimen and squish it between your fingers.........smells alot like Skoal wintergreen. The old "method" of spitting on your bait has been around as long as i remember but i'm not sure where it originated.
When I used to smoke I was told that the smell from your hands would deter fish. I busted that myth, I never had a problem catching trout or bass after smoking. I didn't fish for carp then so I can't speak to that. Not the same as chew, but I imagine that if the fish don't like one they won't like the other.
I had to look it up, found this, not sure how true it is, but I have heard terrible things about bug spray. Like it says it could depend on the fish, maybe trout don't smell the nicotine, and carp due, I don't know.
Salmon guides in Alaska wear rubber gloves .they say the fish "smell" their way home and are really sensitive to smell. If you bait fish you may get few bites because of hand odor. Flies, maybe not so much. GG
I recall a "test" involving 20 questions on the old Virtual Flyshop website (flyfisherman magazine I think) Anyway one question answer was that trout are repulsed by nicotene and attracted to chocolate cookies. So I always eat a cookie after putting in a cope. J/K, but I always think about it after putting in a dip. I still catch fish though. So I don't care. I do however "reward myself" with a chew after the first fish rather than starting out with a dip.
Quit chewing and you'll catch ALOT more fish in the long run. I dipped for 27 yrs and found out this past December that if I didn't quit I wouldn't be fishing next year or any year for that matter. It was an easy decision for me to make, I love fishing and my family way more than chew. It's just not worth it.
delta_dog wrote:
Quit chewing and you'll catch ALOT more fish in the long run. I dipped for 27 yrs and found out this past December that if I didn't quit I wouldn't be fishing next year or any year for that matter. It was an easy decision for me to make, I love fishing and my family way more than chew. It's just not worth it.
Good for you Dan. I chewed "Copenhagan" snuff for 25 years. I quit 16 years ago. It was very difficult but I am so glad I did it. I want to live to be an old man........I mean older man! Ha!
Good for you Dan. I chewed "Copenhagan" snuff for 25 years. I quit 16 years ago. It was very difficult but I am so glad I did it. I want to live to be an old man........I mean older man! Ha

I chewed 2 cans of Copenhagen a day for 27 years. It makes it ALOT easier to quit when the Doc says you have Cancer.
2 cans that's nuts, im at less than one maybe 3/4. But I have busted both the myth of smoking and chewing, with all these species even carp.
I am not saying you wont catch anything, I have caught fish after smoking or putting a dip in, but I can't say for sure that it has not affected the fishing. Maybe I would have caught 2 or 3 more carp if I didn't touch any nicotine, who knows
ya it might but I think its more of people just looking for an excuse, like when fishing a stream and there are clearly 75 fish in a hole and the guy with 100 lb braided spider wire and shark pole comes over and says I don't think they stocked I didn't have a hit
A long time ago I quite snuff and chewing tabacco the easy way. I was hunting one day and stumbled in a hole and yep, swallowed a wad of tabacco and the juice. Puked my guts out and gagged at what seemed like forever. Since then I cannot stand the smell of either.

Sounds weird but a buddy and I were out. He had cope wintergreen and i had natural. We used the same hares ear nymphs that I tied. I caught fish and he didn't, he put in a chew of natural and started hooking up. Coincidence, probably, good story definetly.
I know several folks who got cancer because of dipping.
Quit 3 years ago after chewing for 18 years. It got to the point where if I wasn't eating or sleeping I was chewing. Still get cravings and I still miss it, but will never put one in my mouth again, because I know once I do I won't stop. Never had problems catching fish because of it though, at least I don't think.
Kinda debunked my myth this week...

I made sure not to touch any snuff before going out monday and caught a couple. Yesterday, made a point to dip right as i got outta the truck on the stream. Didnt spit on my fly but did wet my knots, and tied my flies on with snuff residue lingering and had a better day than monday.

The like copenhagen ;)