Chewee Czechs

as mentioned... over time the material craps out... if tied too tightly
trick is the wrap just tight enough so its not loose, but not tight

its ver simialr to "sili skin" used in gummy minnows (just cut a shape and flod) and other "gummy" flies

Check Blane Chockett from VA
they use it on buggers and other nymphs
Well that's a bummer,not sure how thrilled I am about a material you have to take care how tight you wrap it.But if that's all it is I'm good with it. On the other hand is it any worse than having to take care not to break hackle when wrapping, twisting the copper around with pheasant tail and not breaking it, and many other things such as that? Perhaps being a synthetic material it should be tougher than that? Up to the tyer I guess. I wonder what kind of timeline we are talking about here? Couple of months, years? You would like to think if a product is that bad you would have heard about it a little more prominently in the circle of things. I think I'm good on not wrapping the rib too tightly but we shall see, I don't seem to hang on to nymphs to long as it is so I'm hoping for years before failure. Who know's maybe they were left in the sun and got baked. But in the end if it's junk, it's junk. Sure would be nice if it wasn't. I do appreciate the info on this "G" and S D, thanks.
Well it's been almost two years and I've not had it crack or rot or break as of yet. They certainly catch fish so I'm happy with it. I'd say somebody must have left some out in the sun, on the dash board or something of that nature. I've been nothing but pleased with it...
Just thought I'd report back on it.
Here are a few of a different tie.
Jack, you are a true student of the fly tying/fishing game. I love how you research and analyze the details of various materials in fly tying. Then you put a plan together, field test 'em and report back with the results. Nice job!
Thats some nice looking flies Jack. Interesting material.

Thank you very much John, I appreciate it. Thanks to you as well mike.