Cheap UV Light That Works


New member
Apr 4, 2024
Finally bought some UV resin (Solarez) but couldn't bring myself to pay the price that the fly shop wanted for a curing light. Bought a cheapo light at Harbor Freight. After about 2 minutes the resin stiffens but is still sticky. Any advice on a reasonable light that works? Used E. Hille head cement since I started tying in 1986 then Hard as Nails for probably the last 10 years. Never had a problem and mostly tie old school. Son talked me into tight line nymphing last year and am trying to tie some of the new school nymphs. What the hell does perdigon mean? My guess is no soul. Don't know how many of these flies I'll need anyways as I don't know if my old shoulders are going to survive holding this 11' rod up at head level and recasting every 3 seconds. Tell my son it's fly fishing for people with ADD. Not very relaxing!
I came across a baetis nymph pattern a few months ago that called for a UV resin coating on the body. An acquaintance had given me several different tubes of Loon resin but I didn't have a light. Like you, I started investigating UV torches. As is not uncommon in fly tying, I ended up way down a rabbit hole pondering UV wavelengths and cheaper Amazon-sourced lights. In the end I ended up with a little Solarez starter kit that came with a small flashlight for about $13. It has worked as advertised and for the few times I've used it, I'm glad I didn't spend more.
Some people say any UV light works but, as you found out, this is not true. Solerez’s flashlight has a 385NM wavelength. I would look for a flashlight rated at 385NM. In the meantime. Set your Perdigon’s out in the sunlight to finish curing.
ive used this one for years with solarez bone dry resin. works great

$3.48 on temu

another good one

I bought a generic "black light" style UV torch from Amazon. It was like $5. It works beautifully. I don't tie with UV resin much, though.
Had the same problem, UV not curing and bought this UV light for ten bucks. It works great for all different brands of UV coating I've tried >
