Changes in 2016 PA trout regs language

It is legal to fish for trout in Class A trout streams year-round.

Clearly some proof reader missed that note in the fine print. That'll probably get you out of any fines if you fish those 10 streams although there is also a disclaimer in the book.

This booklet is a summary of the laws and regulations applicable to fish and fishing in Pennsylvania in effect or proposed as of October 1, 2015. It is not, nor is it intended to portray, a verbatim reproduction of the text of the laws and regulations. Users are advised that regulations summarized in this book are subject to changes, which, as made, are printed in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Official text is found in 58 Pa. Code and online at: For detailed and up-to-date information, contact the nearest office of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.

PFBC will likely catch that error next year especially if someone tries to use it as a defense.
UFMGuy wrote:
If you read the description this way instead of the way it's written, I think it makes more sense. I swapped two paragraphs but I think this is what they are trying to say.

This makes a bit more sense.

Do "these waters" include the unlisted/unstocked tributaries? Or can these be fished year round?

This has always been super vague to me. They talk about unlisted tributaries in one paragraph, then in the next paragraph they mention "these waters". Are the tributaries part of "these waters" or do "these waters" mean just approved trout waters?

What about water below and above stocking limits, are they closed between March 1 and opening day?

Sorry if I missed the answers to these questions.
Do "these waters" include the unlisted/unstocked tributaries? Or can these be fished year round?

This has always been super vague to me. They talk about unlisted tributaries in one paragraph, then in the next paragraph they mention "these waters". Are the tributaries part of "these waters" or do "these waters" mean just approved trout waters?

What about water below and above stocking limits, are they closed between March 1 and opening day?

Sorry if I missed the answers to these questions.

If you look at my long post on page 1, I tried to explain as best I can but may have just muddied the waters more.

I also asked my PFBC contact and he said the statement that Class A Streams are open to fishing year round was intentional but is only meant for those waters under Commonwealth Inland Waters regulations and Stocked Trout Waters regulations supersede that statement.
What about water below and above stocking limits, are they closed between March 1 and opening day?

The summary states that all waters below stocked waters are off limits. However, as I stated before, if you look at the list of stocked waters on the PFBC website some of those waters have limits. These two things appear to contradict one another.

As far as I am concerned, as long as you are not fishing on one of these waters listed a "stocked waters" March 1 to opening day, you should not have a problem so long as you do not harvest.

Of course a lot of trout clubs that stock on non approved stocking waters might get a little upset if they catch you fishing prior to opening day.
UFMGuy wrote:
Clearly some proof reader missed that note in the fine print. That'll probably get you out of any fines if you fish those 10 streams although there is also a disclaimer in the book.

In the hope there is no end to this annual nonsensical discussion or any possibility of comprehension of the PFBC Summary and/or regulations as they apply to the legality of fishing with or without harvest during the Closed Period, I offer this suggestion to the PFBC for the hair splitters:

Make it illegal to fish for and/or harvest stocked fish in Class A streams that are stocked during the closed period while keeping it perfectly legal to fish for (but NOT harvest) wild fish in those same streams. If caught with a fish prior to release by a WCO, determination of a fish's origin will be left up to a consensus of "experts" on fly fishing websites.

Hopefully to keep it interesting, they also won't specify whether stocked fish that migrate into un-stocked tributaries are also exempt from targeting. That would be good for an additional 43 pages in the annual "Can I fish stream X after March 1st?" thread.
UFMGuy wrote:

If you look at my long post on page 1, I tried to explain as best I can but may have just muddied the waters more.

Gotcha. The way you described it is how I interpreted it as well. Thanks.
While I agree, most of this discussion has been covered before, there are always new or occasional users that have regulation questions and part of this site is to help them out with those questions.

Perhaps this site needs a "PA Trout Regulations Explained" section under "Site Content" It could easily be compiled from previous posts and perhaps it will lessen the number of discussions on the subject. Also if a discussion starts, the poster can be referred to the site content.

One problem for new users is finding older posts so even if the answer is already there, it can be hard to find.

Of course the other problem is missing out on these stimulating conversations but it would be helpful.
Are we seriously having this discussion again? lol
Might be worth perusing this list: