Chambers Lake, Chester Co.



Jun 25, 2008
I've been fishing Chambers Lake in Hibernia Park, Chester Co. this summer. It is the most reliable fishing hole I know of. A # 16 ant will catch sunnies all the live-long day and it's been a great spot to take my young one and get her into the outdoors without a dull moment. I can't think of a better spot to introduce a kid to fishing. She caught a crappie a few weeks ago there by the dam.

I've also been working an all-white popper along the shores before dinner and just before sunset and it is solid for catching brave pound-ish sunnies and 10" bass.

I saw two carp surfing among a flock of geese in the cove along the western side of Wagontown Rd. Other than that, large sunnies and small bass. Is it possible I saw an osprey there?

I'm thinking of breaking out the big Spey for practice for an upcoming NC OBX trip. If you see what looks to be an idiot waterboarding sunnies in for thirty yards with a Spey Rod say hi.

Chambers is nice. Also, you may want to give Marsh Creek Res. which is close by a shot. Good fishing for panfish and it holds some nice bass and also musky. If you spey there, you won't look too ridiculous since you can say you are after musky. Who knows, you may even hook up with one. Good luck on the OBX.
Thanks Afish, I'm heading there tomorrow night most likely. Lyndell side. I could see getting into this warm water fishing thing. I've got a 17' canoe that is aching for some action and Marsh Creek might be the thing. Will post photos of anything of note. If any.

I always liked Chambers for LM bass. They used to have some large bass there but I haven't been there in three years.

Another lake in the area that may be good for that spey rod is Struble Lake near Morgantown. It's a shallow, muddy lake for the most part but fly fishing works well there. You can chase fresh water tarpon with damsel flies. If the flies are mating on the bushes you can get large carp to jump out of the water for your fly. This is not delicate fishing and you may actually need to hang your fly over part of a bush to get it to hover until a cruising carp notices your fly. If they are not mating try damsel nymphs and other carp flies.

Unlike Chambers lake Struble is rarely crowded with boats. It's gets more activity at night when anglers are chasing large walleyes. I've never seen many panfish or bass in this lake. It can get a bit windy which would probably be good practice for OBX.
I haven't whipped a fly on Chambers but I've thought about it. I hit Marsh Creek quite a bit. I'm usually the only fly flinger when I hit it. I've seen 1 or 2 others. The fishing isn't great but occasionally you can hook up with a brute in the shallows. More likely 10 inchers and bluegills.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear that the amateur fisheries managers have now decided to give Chambers a working over. Carp in Chambers? They were not there when the lake was built and were not introduced by the PFBC.

Perhaps some fools may have intropduced them, but more likely, this is how they were introduced:

I'm sure you've seen all kind of "minnows" in anglers bait buckets.
I'll have to give Struble a try. I'm nearly certain on the carp call in Chambers. I can't imagine catfish cruising among geese with dorsal fins out. Am I right? Still new to all these warm water species.

I saw my first musky at Marsh Creek tonight. didn't catch it, but it was pretty cool.