Central PA spawn



Jan 25, 2017
Was thinking about heading up to state college this weekend for some fishing. I am unsure of whether the browns have began spawning or not. I refuse to fish over spawning fish and was curious if it would be worth the drive up there this weekend?
I was at Penns last Saturday and fished a couple different areas and did not see any redds.

Have fished various creeks recently and have yet to see a redd.
I don't have a good explanation for it, but the last time I fished (9/14), I was fishing in Centre County and I encountered a handful of fish that had moved a good bit of gravel already. There were no pairs, and I was alerted to the presence of the first fish, as it was sipping something off the surface. When I moved up to where it was, it darted away, but then I noticed where it had been holding had the displaced light color gravel look to it. Not sure if it was an early achiever (AKA failure), or what was going on. It is usually late October or November until the action starts going full-bore on the Centre County limestoners.
Saw redds on Spring Creek on Wednesday.
Here's the typical spawning schedule for Spring Creek. (And it's probably roughly the same on other mid-state limers.)

The first few redds are usually seen around Oct. 20-23. More by late October.

The peak spawning period is about Nov 1 through the third week in Nov.

Some spawning continues through about mid December.

troutbert wrote:
Here's the typical spawning schedule for Spring Creek. (And it's probably roughly the same on other mid-state limers.)

The first few redds are usually seen around Oct. 20-23. More by late October.

The peak spawning period is about Nov 1 through the third week in Nov.

Some spawning continues through about mid December.

This schedule fits well with the broad timing of BT spawning down here in central PA and the Cumberland Valley as well (maybe a few days later down here). Most BT spawning is in November.

Brookies, however, are feeling the love in Michaux right now. I saw some on redds yesterday.
Thanks for the info! I probably won't head up to Centre County until mid December if they are starting to spawn now.
Surveyed a York Co wild Brown stream last Tuesday. No reds and no females in obvious spawning condition. Fish there had a way to go until spawning occurs, and that stream is so far south that it is almost in MD.
Mike, not to hijack the thread, but I saw some redds on a brook trout stream in southern York this weekend. FWIW.

I saw redds on Penns before the rains came.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

I saw redds on Penns before the rains came.

How much does all this rain effect the spawning? I can't see it being a great thing but would definitely make it harder for predators.
when it's raining the water is dirtier so its much harder to drift a nymph into the mouth of a trout when they are on their redds
Water is down enough to be clear this afternoon. I saw several redds in typical places. I am surprised they appeared right after muddy water, but apparently the trout didn't care.
In my observations high water events usually kicks things into high gear this time of year.
moon1284 wrote:
when it's raining the water is dirtier so its much harder to drift a nymph into the mouth of a trout when they are on their redds

This is what salmon flies are for. :-o


John I don't honestly know how it effects the spawning with high water.