Central PA Fly Fishing Show


Aug 31, 2010
Central PA Fly Fishing Show
Bellwood, PA
March 21, 2020

Does anybody know anything about this show?

Is it worth traveling for? It would be an overnight excursion for me.

Thanks for any feedback.

Don’t know the show but the line up for $8 seems like a good deal.

Not to mention it’s location is very FF friendly- if the flows and weather are right , you can always fish.
If you are in the market for a custom rod, two of the best builders out there will be there, Mike McFarland & Matt Liederman.
I'm usually fishing BWO's in central PA at that time of year.
And will probably check it out if already in the area
I've not been to this show but it sounds good.
Someone should write up a report and let us know what they see and think.

(This thread will be moved to the Events forum shortly)
Bamboozle wrote:

If you are in the market for a custom rod, two of the best builders out there will be there, Mike McFarland & Matt Liederman.

I just ordered, and had delivered last month, two new custom nymphing rods, but it's always good to meet and talk to more builders, for future reference if I decide to order another one.
acristickid wrote:

Not to mention it’s location is very FF friendly- if the flows and weather are right , you can always fish.

That was definitely something I figured on, if I go. Actually, it's a major factor in my even thinking about going, considering the travel and hotel costs that would be involved. Hope for good stream conditions!
ColdBore wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:

If you are in the market for a custom rod, two of the best builders out there will be there, Mike McFarland & Matt Liederman.

I just ordered, and had delivered last month, two new custom nymphing rods, but it's always good to meet and talk to more builders, for future reference if I decide to order another one.
Mike McFarland rolls his own blanks so suffice it to say he has the ability to make anything. He works in glass & graphite and builds a fantastic rod. He is considered to be one of the best rod builders out there today and he is a champion caster so he knows his stuff. I own several of Mike's creations.

Matt Liederman builds on other people's blanks but he makes all of his own hardware meaning reel seats, winding checks, etc. His work is as good as it gets. I own one Liederman built on a Steffen blank.

Marty Romeo, another excellent builder will be there as well, however as I don't own anything he built, I am not as familiar.

Also, if you have even a tiny interest in fiberglass, all three of those guys are who you want to talk to.
Come on out and say hi! I’ll be there tying. There will also be some incredible casting instructors there to help you if you want to brush up your cast.
I may have to stop on over if I'm at the girlfriends house that weekend.
Bamboozle wrote:

Mike McFarland rolls his own blanks ....

I just looked at his website. It sounds like he is actually going to be giving a presentation at the show on how he makes those blanks. That could be a very interesting talk.
attended last year. If you want a McFarland custom rod (or others), yes attend. I would not travel from State College for the show again unless I need to "man" my organization's booth (like last year). The plus is the cost is relatively low.
nymphingmaniac wrote:
attended last year. If you want a McFarland custom rod (or others), yes attend. I would not travel from State College for the show again unless I need to "man" my organization's booth (like last year). The plus is the cost is relatively low.

Wasn't last year the very first year for this particular show? Gotta start somewhere...
pennKev, fair point. a few more vendors/presenters this year than last from my recollection.
I think if people are used to the NJ or lancaster shows they would be disappointed if they traveled an hour or more.
nymphingmaniac wrote:

.... they would be disappointed if they traveled an hour or more.

It would be three hours for me.

The more I think about it, the less likely I am to go.
nymphingmaniac wrote:
pennKev, fair point. a few more vendors/presenters this year than last from my recollection.
I think if people are used to the NJ or lancaster shows they would be disappointed if they traveled an hour or more.

I think for smaller shows, the presentations should be an important factor in deciding attendance. I went to a show a couple years back in the Cleveland area that had very good presentations on Steelhead fishing and fly tying, but the vendor/display area was very underwhelming.

In the case of the CPAFF show there are some decent presentations. I think the LJR, McFarland, and Josh Miller presentations would be attractive to many from this forum. I know they certainly are topics I wouldn't mind sitting through.
I've been checking on facebook and their website and I see nothing to indicate the show has been cancelled. PennKev where did you get your info?
Just found this on Pennlive.com in the Coronavirus cancellations: Updated list of postponements, more in central Pa.
Updated Mar 14, 9:29 AM; Posted Mar 13, 10:38 AM

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has canceled all public programs, events and trainings in state parks and forests until the end of April. Overnight accommodations such as tent camping, cabins, and camping cottages will remain open. Evansburg, Fort Washington, and Norristown Farm Park in Montgomery County are currently closed to visitors for 14 days to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. With the exception of the closed state parks in Montgomery County, fishing will continue to be allowed at Pennsylvania state parks and forests.