
gutcutter wrote:
BrookieBuster101 wrote:
I go through so much of this stuff I bought a quart of Hydrophobic Silica off of ebay Its the same thing.

That is the problem for most people who fish CDC.
The feather is naturally waterproof and floats without any silicon or dessicant. Try drying it off on a chamois or fleece instead. Blow it dry and fish it.
Only put on the dessicant after the preen oil is completely gone after a few fish are caught. Otherwise, you will be drying your fly and re-applying every few casts

My $.02

I wasnt saying that negatively, I go through alot of it because i fish dries alot, ether dry dropper or CDC. You only reapply the stuff after you get a fish.

I would highly recommend it. And its silica not silicon. ;-)
BrookieBuster101 wrote:

I would highly recommend it. And its silica not silicon. ;-)

Silicon is a chemical element. Silica is silicon dioxide formed via oxidation of silicon.

I dont like to use cdc for dry flies. Its not waterproof one bit. It merely floats well because of the extra fine fibers of the feather trap air. Marabou floats great as well. Cdc once it gets fish slimmed its junk. They dont call cdc flies on fish flies for no reason.

I use cdc for soft hackles. Its has marabou action under water, which everyone knows, drives fish crazy.

What I do use for dry flies is snowshoe. Called the poor mans cdc by most, but i.m.h.o. Its the smart mans cdc. Snowshoe never needs floatant and it truly is waterproof. Fish slim washes right off and a false cast or two has the fly floating like cork again.

Tight Ties
JohnnyUtah wrote:
I dont like to use cdc for dry flies. Its not waterproof one bit. It merely floats well because of the extra fine fibers of the feather trap air.

That's not true. It's got a natural coating of water resistant preen oil.
That only holds true for cdc you would harvest yourself. Cdc that is harvested and packaged loses its preen oil. If your using very white cdc, its been cleaned. Also Cdc that has been dyed has no preen oil whats so ever. Because the dying process cleans all of it away.

The micro fibers of the cdc make it float. So when it gets slimmed, the fibers become matted, and thus it will not float. Most times a stream's meniscus layer is enough to cause cdc to "slim".
I mostly use natural CDC that has the preen oil intact. Many dyed CDCs are re-treated with it. Your claims that CDC has none of these properties was not qualified with any of this, and is inaccurate IMO.

I used the term "water resistant", though neither term applies as properly as "hydrophobic".
Hmmm, I dont believe they are retreated. Even so, You still are forced to retreat the feathers yourself, thus wasting fishing time doing so.

Any oil is hydrophobic, Many things that are of matter are hydrophobic. I mean unless your tying flies with ice tea mix.

The feather itself is hydrophobic. Marabou floats great as well.

Im not condemning cdc, it does float. If you enjoy it and like to use it then great.
From my experience and from what I've read, I believe JU is correct about CDC. Most CDC does not contain preen oil and the reason it does float is because of the structure to the feathers causing micro bubbles.

Here is a link to one of the largest and oldest CDC suppliers about CDC feathers:

Here's the cdc I use.

I also use cheaper natural, untreated CDC from a cheaper source.

Both of them have oil. The oil is hydrophobic, thus keeping the feather dry, and helping it to retain its structure. If the structure is there, the ability to trap air bubbles remains.
Well like Lefty says in my signature, I add fly tying to it as well. Always remember that your a consumer and they want your money.

Snowshoe is cheaper and imo much better of dry fly material. No preen oil needed. False cast and your golden, fish after fish. Time is fish, especially when the hatch is on.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Well like Lefty says in my signature, I add fly tying to it as well. Always remember that your a consumer and they want your money.

Yup. Exactly.

" I am also a commercial tyer. If you are interested in my flies, or dubbing blends, then simply contact me @"
I have some examples on my web site.
oh ok i have been on the site before, its very helpfull, thanks
Just finished reading Rene Harrop's new book. As you might expect, most of the flies he talks about involve the use of CDC.