


May 16, 2011
Does anyone tye cdc patterns, just like cdc is the main floatant, no hackle or elk hair? I have seen sulphurs tricos and caddis done this way. If you do tie them could you post a pic and the recipe for your fly. thanks
If you Google you shall receive.
i did but i wanted to see what people on hear were using.
i did but i wanted to see what people on hear were using.
SBecker wrote:
If you Google you shall receive.

not helpful. he was asking for favourties, not just any in particular.

i find cdc irksome, and don't bother. the only two patterns i've ever bothered with are cdc-and-elk and f-flies, which is just an oiler puff over a thread body hook.
I was just gonna ask for some tips w/ working with CDC. I need to tie up some CDC caddis emergers, but I never got the knack of working w/ the stuff.
A CDC sulphur emerger is a killer pattern. I will see if I can scrounge up a pic.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I was just gonna ask for some tips w/ working with CDC. I need to tie up some CDC caddis emergers, but I never got the knack of working w/ the stuff.

Not that difficult. Here's a couple of flies (CFs & MFs) using different methods of tying CDC:

CDC and Elk (great pattern -you can tie to match any caddis)):

Caddis emerger (you can tie to match any caddis):

CDC Comparadun (you can tie to match any mayfly):

CDC Loopwing Emerger (you can tie to match any mayfly):

Okay the first one there was SUPER helpful in seeing how exactly to tie in the CDC feather. That's always what I struggled with. The second pattern is one I've had already, and that's what I need to tie up. Thanks a lot.
I guess my question is, when tying something like a caddis emerger, is it okay to have the stem of the cdc feather in there?
there are different types of cdc feather, each is suited to different tasks. this exhausts the sum of my knowledge. practice makes perfect. assorted folksy nonsense. etc.


really, though. take a look through your bag of cdc feathers. some are better for tasks, and some are just junk ripe to be stripped off and used in dubbing.

maybe dump them all out and sort through to get a feel for the different shapes. when doing so, try not to sneeze.
CDC Comparadun on a dry fly or emerger hook. You can knock out a fly a minute when tying them, and they work very well. Size 18-20 is my go-to pattern for BWOs, and I've also caught fish tying them for suphurs, cahills, and even midges. You can even just use thread bodies.

Just remember not to use floatant on CDC patterns.
I'm just gonna have to watch a couple of those youtube videos out there to see how to cleanly tie in the feathers. I feel so bumbly w/ them.
Trust me on this...once you get the hang of it, you will love it. Great for caddis patterns, and I LOVE tying cdc emergers of all types. A quick bwo emerger is as simple as a thread body, cdc, and a dubbed thorax.
i used cdc caddis from tco when i fished the tully this year and the floated so good.
A CDC caddis emerger on the Tully is a must have. My dad wants to go soon (after the water recovers), which is why I'm fiddling around w/ CDC again. He's recovering from prostate cancer, so I'm more than happy to hit the Tully w/ him!
dubthethorax wrote:
CDC Comparadun on a dry fly or emerger hook. You can knock out a fly a minute when tying them, and they work very well. Size 18-20 is my go-to pattern for BWOs, and I've also caught fish tying them for suphurs, cahills, and even midges. You can even just use thread bodies.

Just remember not to use floatant on CDC patterns.

Careful saying CDC comparadun on here. I was ripped for saying that a few months back, even though you can buy a CDC comparadun at most reputable fly shops now.
mcwillja wrote:
dubthethorax wrote:
CDC Comparadun on a dry fly or emerger hook. You can knock out a fly a minute when tying them, and they work very well. Size 18-20 is my go-to pattern for BWOs, and I've also caught fish tying them for suphurs, cahills, and even midges. You can even just use thread bodies.

Just remember not to use floatant on CDC patterns.

Careful saying CDC comparadun on here. I was ripped for saying that a few months back, even though you can buy a CDC comparadun at most reputable fly shops now.

People can say what they want. I can call a fly whatever I want. :hammer:
I love CDC. Most of my dries have it. I tie comparaduns, F Flies, spinners, and Tent Caddis.

The caddis is as simple as palmered cdc wraped from the bend to the eye and then trimmed to shape.

Also buy some frogs fanny. I go through so much of this stuff I bought a quart of Hydrophobic Silica off of ebay Its the same thing.
BrookieBuster101 wrote:
I go through so much of this stuff I bought a quart of Hydrophobic Silica off of ebay Its the same thing.

That is the problem for most people who fish CDC.
The feather is naturally waterproof and floats without any silicon or dessicant. Try drying it off on a chamois or fleece instead. Blow it dry and fish it.
Only put on the dessicant after the preen oil is completely gone after a few fish are caught. Otherwise, you will be drying your fly and re-applying every few casts

My $.02