Cause of death?



Mar 29, 2015
On Sunday I got out with jtyger55 on mcmichaels creek near the special regulations section. While we didn't catch anything, we did spend some time scouting the creek out for the coming season. We did notice two dead rainbows in that area. Both were about 10 inches in length and seemed relatively healthy looking, no open wounds or legions, and neither seemed to be malnourished. I cut open the stomach of one and found a belly full of scuds, and some caddis and helgramites inside. What could be the cause of death to two apparently healthy fish?
Being out of water too long while someone balances them on a hat brim for a Facebook pic.
pmelle wrote:
What could be the cause of death to two apparently healthy fish?

Probably just natural mortality. Not a cause for concern.
Perhaps opiates , there's a huge problem here and I blame politicians are not doing enough. Politicians are bloodsuckers -every single one of them seeking pensions and benefits. Worse than pond scum.
Thundershowers...hopefully one person will get that one.
If it was the browns in that section Id be concerned, just a few stocky bows.
I have my doubts about being out of the water too long. It's February. Water is cold. It takes more stress to cause harm, and they recover from harm quicker. Hence, the "too much" line is much higher than it is later in the year.

Could be angling caused, though. A deeper hook. A fisherman's squeeze.

Doesn't have to be, of course. Could be literally anything.
Quick, drastic change in water temp.
someone pouring chemicals in the water cause they didn't want to spend the time or the monies to get rid of them properly.
I suspect a broken heart, boredom or some sort of sorcery.
Stockies? They could have been recent adds. There is always a few that don't make the transition from tank to creek.
It could have been sliced/hooked golf balls was loaded with them!
Not so fast on writing off the photo op. Could be gill damage caused by frozen lamellae depending upon how long the fish were out of the water and how cold it was at the time.

I was thinking scared to death by a mountain lion.
corn fed-
pete41 wrote:
GMO corn fed-

Fixed that for you, but I admit it was funny without.
perhaps it was murder/suicide pact ?
Pagan ritual? Full moon and all...or sorcery as mentioned previously, bad roll of the 68 sided die?