Caught my first wild brown yesterday

It’s not really a weird connection at all. If we weren’t here all the native brook trout would still be where they once were. Right? Just playing devil’s advocate. All of our actions the past century or so have caused the decline in fisheries because you and I are an invasive species to North America.
I think that is undeniable.

But the problem isn't people, it's the actions.
If we all move back to Europe, brown trout will just take them over completely.

That seems like another wrong action to take.

To continue in the same actions, by your own admission that have led to a decline in the fish populations, is lunacy.

It's not an either or situation, yet.
I just prefer to catch fish where they belong. Perspective indeed.

We migrated. Nothing brought us to this continent.
I think this is the true difference of perspective. Some people just like to catch fish. Others have an appreciation of ecosystems and natural environments. We can still enjoy catching fish while understanding that non-native and invasive (I l know, one and the same) fish have negative effects on the natural order of an undisturbed ecosystem. And catching non-native and invasive fish can be a negative experience when you’re not targeting them.
I think this is the true difference of perspective. Some people just like to catch fish. Others have an appreciation of ecosystems and natural environments. We can still enjoy catching fish while understanding that non-native and invasive (I l know, one and the same) fish have negative effects on the natural order of an undisturbed ecosystem. And catching non-native and invasive fish can be a negative experience when you’re not targeting them.
I am always targeting a specific fish species. I just don’t get disappointed when something else ends up on the other end of my line. That’s all…
I think that is undeniable.

But the problem isn't people, it's the actions.
If we all move back to Europe, brown trout will just take them over completely.

That seems like another wrong action to take.

To continue in the same actions, by your own admission that have led to a decline in the fish populations, is lunacy.

It's not an either or situation, yet.
I’m clearly not serious about everyone moving back to Europe lol. They don’t have enough room for their own population. They don’t make anymore real estate. My whole point is, we could be looked at as an invasive species. It’s just something to kick over. Have a good day everyone. I have to go put a new anchor trolley and seat on my kayak. God Bless and Happy 4th of July!
I’m clearly not serious about everyone moving back to Europe lol. They don’t have enough room for their own population. They don’t make anymore real estate. My whole point is, we could be looked at as an invasive species. It’s just something to kick over. Have a good day everyone. I have to go put a new anchor trolley and seat on my kayak. God Bless and Happy 4th of July!
Clearly, and I don't think anyone truly thinks you are serious.

Well like I said it's apples to oysters.

The difference beyond what silverfox pointed out is this:

There isn't different species of humans.
Brook trout are a char and a totally different species of fish than brown trout.

Beyond that humanizing animals and things related to them is always an extreme and illogical position to take.
You can't murder an animal. You can kill one but not murder one. Murder is specifically reserved for the killing of a human. It ads a different flavor of morality to it when you go down that road. One way too extreme to be taken seriously.

Go enjoy your kayak rigging. I used to love that stuff myself. Happy 4th and God Bless you too.
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I personally can't wait to get done working here soon and go fishing myself.
i like to catch fish. and thats all i have to say about that(forrest gump accent).
Me too… (Forrest Gump accent).
You gonna go tell some native Americans that they’re invasive? I dare ya. Again, we migrated here. A band of sporting giants didn’t collect us from the wild in Africa and ship us here.

You’re right we caused this, and I just find it funny how we want to fix all of our other mistakes but stop at this one.
No I am not gonna tell American Indians they’re invasive lol. I’m telling YOU that YOU are invasive. Reading comprehension is important.
No I am not gonna tell American Indians they’re invasive lol. I’m telling YOU that YOU are invasive. Reading comprehension is important.
Species man. We’re talking about species. If I’m an invasive species, then so are American Indians. Understand?
I am a member of a club that has access to a private section of a small class A that has natives, wild browns and wild bows. Been smackin' brookies pretty consistently since early spring, but have yet to see anything else (with the exception of some stocked monsters, that luckily have since been eaten by the local bear(s)). I've taken a good bit of time off of fishing, what with the low water and general busyness of life and all. Went out yesterday and caught a decently average sized brookie. Hooked two of similar size that jumped the hook. Then I hooked a (subjectively) sizable fish. In the excitement of making sure I got it in the net, I didn't realize it was a brown until admiring my picture this morning! So.. I present to you my first wild brown.

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Congratulations.👍 Its a destination on the voyage of the life of an angler. I caught my first wild BT at Ole Bull in kid's area roughly 1991 on a Rooster Tail/ Zebco bait caster combo. The voyage has some cool stops if you keep pursuing the path.