Catskills Humble Pie Fall Jam 10/2 - 10/9

Talk about making something outta This trip included a botched net job on one of the top 3 biggest fish I've had the pleasure of encountering on this system, pretty decent fishing by anyone's standards, good company and some good food.

Report and photos will follow. Norm (aka The Catskill Legend) will hold a clinic when we get back in a few days.
Wow. I did well friday and sunday. I think we crossed paths by the way. I checked out of rm 16 sun morning and came back to get my two pontoons later that afternoon and saw some guys stringing up rods..... It dawned on me later it was some of you folks.
As usual Andy did a great job organizing the floats, I was only able to float Sunday and Monday but had a blast. I've always been a west branch guy and never spent much time on the main but after Monday's float that may change. What a great system and great company.
dries streamers nymphs??
Sunday was somewhat slow, floated Balls Eddy to Stockport. All action was on streamers. Monday we floated Stockport to Long Eddy and all fish were taken on nymphs (90% caught on October caddis nymphs). Almost no dry fly action at all.
Ive heard the dry fly action has been non-existent
I had an excellent time with the group this trip. I did catch a few fish on small olives. Mostly nymphing, including a few good ones. Pretty decent fishing despite the NYDEC best efforts to continue to jerk the flows up and down.

Most eye opening moment; Krayfish passing the oars off and then proceeding to hook and land fish like some kind of nymphing machine.

Worst moment; Kray net wiffing on Proformance's big brown.

Great time with the guys. Great memories, great food, and plenty of laughs. This is what fly fishing is to me. Good times.

Thanks to all who attended. Special Thanks to Kray for spoon feeding us all his knowledge and passion for the Delaware watershed with everyone.

Pics later this evening...
We made the best of a bad hand dealt by mother nature and the NYC water authority. Up and down flows make it hard for the fish to settle in and be comfortable but we managed to find some. Beaverkill and Lower East were in horrible shape so we left them alone.

Sunday was an overcast day with little wind. We set out to find a streamer bite but it was pretty slow. Water was the typical milky / dirty you get when the reservoir gets run low in the fall. It's perfect for streamer fishing but not this day. We ran through every color combo in the boxes and managed 1-2. When we got a little lower on the river, I did sneak one on an ISO and another on a nymph. Big Frank had the biggest brown in my boat.

Monday we went a little lower on the river. Since I had Norm in my boat, I wore a shirt & tie trying to inspire his best behavior. LOL. "Respect the tie Norm". Stimey was also with me on Monday and those 2 guys put on a clinic. #1, you always hear guys say they caught 25-35 fish a day.... it's rare that the D gives up more than a handful to any angler. Well, my boat hooked up on 25-30 fish that day. Stimey must have had 12-15 fish shake his fly as well. Highlight / lowlight was Norm's brown. He yelled "There's one" but Jim and I both said "You're snagged". I rowed back to get his rig off the rock when the indi went zipping by the boat. He fought it for a while and it swam back to us and I got a good look. Giant!. The fish ran, I pulled anchor, dropped anchor and chased on foot. (My net frame is 16" x 18") I had the fish on top of the frame TWICE. Several inches hanging over each side. Shook it for him to fall in the bag but he flopped out and almost emptied Norm's reel. The fish came back up eventually and I knew my only chance was to get it in the net head first. Norm pulled the fish's head up and I stabbed with the net....just as the fish went back down. Hit the leader and it was gone. I felt awful. Norm wasn't done there. He got one less than a mile away that we never got a look at. I chased the fish dead up river for 75 yards before it snapped the line. The day finished up with Jim hitting 4-5 fish in the last 300 yards. I just checked with HR and they think Jim should smile more in his grip and grins. LOL. We also rescued a chipmunk and took him to the opposite bank where he was trying to reach.

Tuesday, it was me DaveS and Mkerr. Fishing was still pretty least I thought so. Not sure what happened but I was stacking them like cord wood using the same rig and floating it right behind the guy in the front of the boat. Before the take out, we saw an Osprey take a fish and hop up on a boulder in the center of the river. An Eagle swooped down and took his fish. I was wildly snapping pics and actually got a few decent frames. I've tried to get an Eagle with a fish in it's claws for 5 years. Finally. Is that Norm in a "Kosher Bacon" suit? Sure is. Don't ask about Dave's headwear. :lol: :-o

Wednesday, the dam decreased flow to 150!!! No option but to find a likely spot and wade. Norm, Fishwagen and myself poked around on the main for a few hours. I walked about a mile to a riff and fished the top 300 yards (bank to bank) and never touched a fish. Went back up 1.5 miles and sat for an hour....nuttin. Back down 3/4 of a mile when a dorsal and tail in 6" of water caught my eye. I crawled up to him and prepared to cast.....then a merganser flew right over him at less than 12" off the water. The fish freaked and was gone. Sat for 2 more hours before I found a rise. Hit him with 6 different caddis patterns before a flock of geese bombed us killing the action. When the bear started bulldozing the knot weed on the far bank, I was outta there before I had an unwelcome eye to eye.

We made the best out of the hand we were dealt. I really enjoy fishing with you guys. Super company, decent fishing, beautiful place to hang out and good grub. I'll be handing out gas-x at the next one. ;-)

Great pics Andy looks like a great time...was going to try and make it up but work has kept me from doing much fishing.
Great report. Nice to see the Pa. boys catching fish in New York. Respect the Tie,lol. GG
First of all I'd like to thank Kray2 for putting this together and sharing his deep knowledge of the system and it's inhabitants. I made one trip up several years ago with the pontoon and it was a humbling first experience floating alone.
I left Yinzburgh Sunday morning and really wasn't expecting to fish. Things worked out and I met Fishwagen at Sheehawken where we met up with the other boat to finish the last 5 miles. I chucked streamers with no luck, didn't even touch the dry fly rod very few bugs and no risers. Back at the hotel Andy set up my nymph rod for the following day. We had some ****tails and I got to know a few new friends.

Monday was a 12 mile blur of a float, I have never hooked that many fish in a day with the fly rod. Certain sections it was on fire with take after take, I almost got into the backing a couple times. When the one fish ran back upstream I don't know how Andy tried to track it down, my arms would have popped off at my shoulders. Thanks again Andy.

Tuesday we did the same float with a little lower flow, boats were walked thru a few sections, and fish were willing but not as much as the day before. Fishwagen and I had a great time. Lots of wildlife seen and we almost hit a black bear on the way back. It was the first time I've seen a bear in person.

Wednesday we waded for a few hours because someone put the stopper in the flows.

Rescuing Alvin the chipmunk was funny, he realized we were helping him. Now I may have to tie some chipmunk flies.

Thanks again to everyone that was there, had a great time
Once again a wonderful trip. The upper Delaware River system is fast becoming my favorite place to fish. Even when conditions are tough, and they usually are, you always manage to find a way to fish better. Even though that sometimes doesn't work.

Norm, under Andy's watchful eye...freakin killed it! I've never seen the guy so happy with a fly rod in his hand. Even though his "monster" brown wasn't landed, watching the show from the other boat was worth the price of admission. And Andy got a 9.7 from the judges on "net throwing".

As always, i enjoyed the river, the fish and my friends. A good time was had by all...and then some. Already looking forward to spring.

Pics as promised. Sorry I'm not all fancy like K2. LOL


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Great photos and report. I have an itch to give this a try after floating the Susquehanna last week in an inflatable.