Catskills Humble Pie Fall Jam 10/2 - 10/9



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Interested in meeting some forum members, learning about some of the Catskill fisheries or just have too much time on your hands? Join in. Looks to be several members of Yinzer crew will be making the long trip.

As usual, home base is the Capra Motel. Those looking to save on lodging? Buddy up to split a room or stay at one of the campgrounds. Be advised the camping locations are 20-30 minutes from Hancock.

What type of fishing can you expect? Anything from fantastic to straight poop. It will all depends on rain, flow and temps. Possible hatches: Oct Caddis, ISO, Tan or Olive Caddis, Hebe, Various Steno and almost guarantee Pseudos.

If the water stays this low (no release or tropical storm) and the Pseudos show, that's when the humble pie will be served. Spooky trout 15" -22" eating #22 - #24 olives will test your ability. If the water is way up, could be tossing big nymphs and streamers. We won't know what type of fishing we'll face until we step into the water that day....and it often changes dramatically from day to day.

Suggested gear:
9-10' rods in 5 or 6 weight for dries / nymphs
9-10' rods in 6-8 weight range for streamers
Rain jacket

If this is something you might be interested in, PM me and I'll get you all the specifics. Fishing can typically be done from a boat or by wading but I can't tell you if it will be a float trip or a wade trip until we are getting the gear loaded in the car. Things change frequently up there so remaining flexible and adapting is the best plan. We may have a few open seats depending on attendees. You'd be better off booking a room next week and then canceling it 7 days prior to the event than waiting until September 29th and then calling for a room. Probably won't get one. Again, PM and I'll have all the info.
I hope to make it, have to see what the schedule brings.
I am in! Wouldn't miss it. I'll have my Stealthcraft in tow so two seats will be available on floats.

In obviously.
Checking my calendar now...
Just a reminder that Monday 10th is Columbus Day so some folks will have that day off.

I am in for the 7-10/10. work permitting.
Fishing there is good , sometimes very good[color=0000FF]~~~[/color]


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I will know as it gets closer. Hopefully I could do Columbus Day weekend (Fri thru Sun). If I can go I'll have a boat with 2 seats available.
Appears that we'll have a 3 man boat for each guy. Lol.
I'll keep the pontoon available. lol
I'm going to plan to come from 10-2 through 10-5
I reserved for the week to be safe, not sure exactly how many days yet. But I'll be there
Looking forward to the jam. I'm bringing a friend. Any extra room in driftboats will be appreciated but we have our own pontoons. Capra rooms are booked for these dates plus a few extra. See you then! What kind of beer do you all like?
That's fantastic that you'll attend. I don't drink so you'll have to see what brews the others like. As for an open seat in my boat, not sure but my boat always fishes to the right so it may not be a good fit for a guy that fishes so far left.

Will you make it to the Hale to Buck float or the Buck to Tower Rd float?
I can cast badly in any direction and even with both hands so that will work.HA!
I am glad you are willing to bury the hatchet . i always thought we could be fishing buddies or at least not kill eachother if we left the political stuff out of the mix. This could be interesting and fun. I did not explain any of the online dynamics we have had to my friend because i didn't want to scare him off. He usually only fishes smaller streams but he was on the Delaware with me recently and did real well so he is excited. Not sure what floats/sections we'll do? We will bring my pontoons (inflated) and be ready for it by ear! i never do stuff like this with a group other than the old deer camp days and a few birdwatching outings. We will go with the flow....whatever. We will be at the Deposit motel though...My friend was confused and booked our rooms there. Funny thing. When I went to pick him up the other week I said " wheres your waders?" He thought he could wet wade up there! HA!
It's a bit early to start the menu discussion but might as well get it rolling.

In the past, we've had everything from stew to casserole to fried turkey. I've been contacted by Norm and he wants to strap the smoker on and bring it to NY. I'm pretty sure there won't be any complaints.

I believe Daddy Frank will be bringing some authentic Long Island Italian sausage. If he heads to the lake, he usually brings back a "small" trout for cooking (7-9 pounder).

I can bring burgers / doggies, pork / kraut or make chicken rice soup for cool evenings on the porch BS-ing. Anyone have requests or suggestions? Who's bringing what?

I haven't tied a single fly so..... I'll be making a fly shop run as usual. Feel free to start your rain dance so we have plenty of water in the system. I'd love to see 650-800 in B-Kill, 350-500 in Upper EB, 1300-2500 in Lower EB, 900-2000 in WB and Lordville over 2500. Cooler nights, lower sun angle and shorter days are finally helping with the temps. Another 2 weeks and we should be out of the woods.
The grill is still in Hancock from the last trip. I'll get some burger buns and dog handlers. Maybe some kind of side to accompany the grilled/ smoked meat menu.

And of course bourbon.
I may be up the weekend of the second or the following weekend columbus day. If so would like to hook up with some of you guys and fish or at least stop by the capra. I hope it works out for me to make it.
Ok, I'll be making pork roast and kraut with mashed potatoes. Cooked a day or two beforee heading up and then into the Crock-Pot when we head out in the morning.

According to Tony, Norm is bringing the smoker and will do various meats in it.

Any other ideas / suggestions??

The new and hopefully fireproof "little italy II" is open for pizza and such. I'd expect closing time to be 8pm that time of year.
I have some unfortunate news. The smoker took a dump in the bed this past weekend and I won't be able to replace before the event. I will bring my slow cooker as to make some unauthentic JBQ. My apologies.