Catskill vs. Comparadun



Apr 11, 2010
Which one do you prefer and why?
This isn't just a dumb poll. I'm trying to learn the advantages of both. I just started tying comparaduns and I really like them and they are easier for me to tie right now being the rookie I am. Hopefully they catch fish for me too this spring!!!
Parachutes > both.

I don't think I've tied more than a handful of catskill flies, hairwinged Wulffs are easier and float better, I think.

I tie alot of parachutes, and alot of Usuals.
I've attempted a couple parachutes. I get frustrated wrapping the post. I think the barb(?) on my cheapo hackle is too stiff/thick and I can't get a wrap tight enough without it wanting to pop over the top of the post.
Practice, mostly. :)

A parachute tool helped, as does a drop of superglue at the post base to harden it up. Also, tie the hackle up the post for more strength.

Don't trim your post to length until you finish, the last step.
I tie almost all comparaduns and have good success on the water. That said I do like to fish parachutes and now that my tying abilities have improved I plan to start tying them also. Personaly I don't see a need for catskills. But I'm still a rookie at this so that's just my 2 cents worth.
Catskill dries are infinitely more versatile and easier to manipulate on the water. With a little judicious pruning you can replicate the characteristics offered by a parachute or comparadun. And they work.
2 minute parachute...
I agree with blueheron totally. try skittering a parachute or comparadun not going to happen. for riffle water the catskill wins hands down. as for tying speed a catskill can be done in 2 minutes also.
Right on the money!!! The Catskills are more versatile , more options , you can give them a little haircut too.....and , you got a spinner. They can be tied to LAST longer too , more durable. My vote goes to the CATS. Sandfly......i wish i could tie one in two minutes. I never timed it but i know it more like 20 , but these are for ME and my fishing friends so i want 'em to last , use two sometimes three good hackles , mostly wood duck and barred mallard for wings. My absolute favorite flies to tie. Ooops don't forget the Adams and hackle tip wings either.
I keep both on hand at all times. For me, comparaduns (both deerhair and CDC) are really only useful to me in slower flows, and are usually only used if I get refusals with parachutes. In heavy current, nothing performs as well as a Catskill-style dry with a few extra turns of hackle. So, simply put, which one is a better choice really depends on conditions.
Depends on a lot of things. What are you lookin to do with it?

Fast riffly water, I like catskill ties.
Slow water, I like comparaduns or parachutes.

No question if you want to skitter, a catskill will do better, but I generally do this with caddis, not mayflies, and thus use a stimmie or EHC.

Comparaduns work for easy ties, I suck at hackling....
From what I'm hearing here a lot of you could use help, maybe I'll do a weekend tying class, with fishing on the side on your own time. Any interest ??
Parachutes are the best representation of a mayfly in my oppinion.
I like how the hackle is out to the sides, the split tails, how the para post forms the wings.

Second place are catskills.

And I never tie or use comparaduns.
Watching Oz's Underwater World of Trout it was interesting to see how a fly looks underwater. On catskills the body is hardly even seen, just the dimples of the hackle (legs) are seen. Worked amazingly well to replicate a high riding mayfly. At other times you can see the full body of the dun riding low in the water, here the compardun was effective, or the clipped catskill.

It really opened my eyes. If the duns are riding high you hardly have to match color, but if they're flush in the water it's much more important.