Casting Instruction Videos - Mel Krieger (a newbie share)



Oct 26, 2012
I came across some videos by an animated and lively gentleman by the name of Mel Kieger. I did a PAFF search and his name came up quite a bit already. I was sad to read that he passed on a few years back.

I wanted to share this find on the Beginner Forum with the other people learning from PAFF:

Here's an equally interesting video that came up next with a lady casting the Ovris Helios:
I like the second link. Who can argue with a cute woman casting a fly rod from a surf board? I'm just wondering what would have happened if she hooked up with a lunker...
I'm not familiar with Mel Kieger but I like his way of explaining things. As for the second link, I saw that last year and still cannot focus on her casting.
I was given one of Mel's casting instruction videos several years ago. It was a VHS tape. I don't know what happened to it and I no longer own a VCR! From what I recall, it was a good instructional video.
I think Mels buddy Joe sounds like allot of guys on PAFF

Someone has posted that video of the gal on the surf board before, I hope there are no GWS's near.
If you can get them Mel's videos are excellent.
Fredrick wrote:
I think Mels buddy Joe sounds like allot of guys on PAFF

I liked how he was talking about the children watching the video and then drops the "F" bomb... Around 2:30 on the video.

Funny stuff.